Do all Organs Grow at the Same Rate?
No, different organs grow at different rates.
What is the first stage of personality development?
Trust and Mistrust
How many Steps are there in the Steps Through the Lifespan?
8 Steps
Who was Sigmund Freud?
Father of Psychoanalysis
What can affect you mentally/behaviorally?
Drugs, Mental Illnesses, Stress
How many Stages are there that a Person goes through from Infant to Elderly?
There are 8 stages
How many stages of personality development are there?
What Happens to your Sensory System when you get Older?
It becomes hard to hear.
What was Sigmund Freud's daughter's name?
Anna Freud
How can you improve your mental and behavioral health?
You can improve your mental and behavioral health by:
Focusing, Exercising, Healthy Diet, Being a good person, Sleeping Well, Minimizing Stress
A child grows bigger each year?
In psychosocial growth and development, what can it include?
anxiety, depression, and stress
How many changes of aging are there?
What Does Denial Mean?
Someone who refuses to accept the reality of a situation, or they are blocking external events that happened to them in the past.
How can you Help Others with Mental Health?
Helpful Approach
Encourage to seek professional help if necessary
Avoid avoiding the problem
What is 1 out of the 7 Types of Learning in Development?
Language and communication, Physical, Personal, social, and emotional, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, Expressive arts and designs
True or False?
Psychosocial growth and development can be something by addiction and mental health problems?
Growth slows & there is an excess of energy
What is Displacement?
Displacement is where someone redirects their impulses onto a powerless target.
What does Mental Health Mean?
Mental health means a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
What are the 4 Key Periods of Growth?
Infancy, Early childhood, Middle childhood, Adolescence
What is Psychosocial?
The nature of study that comes with relationships and a persons fear and how it relates to the social environment.
What is the Change Theory?
Many theories and models exist for describing behavior changes when it relates to and individual’s health.
What are the 7 Most Common Defense Mechanisms?
Projection, Repression, Displacement, Sublimation, Denial, Regression, and Rationalization
What does behavioral health mean?
It means how people treat you, how you treat people and people's morals.