What is Growth Mindset?
The development of our own brain.
Questions/ Strategies when wanting a growth mindset?
Don't do self-negative talk but rather push yourself/motivate yourself
What does Growth mindset help us over come?
It Helps us overcome obstacles, makes use of our opportunities, has stronger skills mentally.
What can the mindset training increase?
prelicensure nursing student success and retention.
What are the names of the presenters?
Gaby Estrada, Yael , Paola Morales, Diana Rodriguez, Esther Martinez.
Main factors that impact academic success?
Time management
What is the mindset Training?
The mindset training is a simple intervention that may increase prelicensure nursing student success and retention.
how can Growth Mindset Affect us?
A growth mindset is an internal/mental aspect that affects our external factors
Name one growth do's.
Learns from feedback and criticism
Intelligence and talent is/can be developed
More effort
Embraces challenges
Name one fixed don't?
Ignores criticism
Intelligence and talent is fixed
Less effort
Avoids challenges
what does it take to become a nurse?
it requires empathy, selflessness, and courage.
Where does organization, concentration, motivation and time management come in?
Their the main factors of the impact of academic success.