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What does it mean to have a Fixed Mindset?

You can’t change your strengths and weaknesses


“I hate trying new things since they are often hard.”

Fixed Mindset


Mike feels upset when the teacher calls on him and he doesn’t know the answer. What can he say to himself?

“Everyone makes mistakes”. 

“I can improve paying attention in class so I’ll know the answers next time”.


Sophie’s mom asks her to clean her room but she knows it will take her several hours. What can Sophie say to herself?

“If you start working now, you’ll finish quicker.” 

“You can accomplish it and be done with it”.


Cooper sees his friend Ted getting better at basketball. Cooper is worried Ted will be better than him. How should Cooper respond instead?

Be happy for Ted. 

Ask Ted for advice on what he’s doing to improve his skills. 

Say, “What else can I do to be better?”


Why might someone with a fixed mindset avoid challenges?

Scared of failing; worried they will look stupid; easier to not try


“She is much better at soccer than me.”

Fixed Mindset


Emma has a long math assignment. What can she say to herself?

“You can do well on this if you work hard”.


You have a lot of homework to start but there’s something on TV you want to watch. What can you say to yourself?

“If I work hard and finish my work, I can watch a show later”. 

“It’s more important to do my homework right now so I can get ahead with my school work and learning”.


Tyler’s friends are trying to get him to join the art club. He tells them he’s not artistic. What should his friends say back?

“Joining the club will be fun. You’ll learn how to improve your art skills. You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy it and you’ll be learning at the same time”.


Why might someone with a growth mindset be more likely to try new things?

They embrace challenges and new experiences; you will learn from a new experience


“He’s pretty smart in math. I wonder what I can learn from him.”

Growth Mindset


In a group, you got picked to be the artist even though you don't like drawing. What can you say to yourself?

“It will be fun to try something new”. 

“Maybe I’ll learn to be a better artist”.


After getting in trouble Charlie says, “I always do everything wrong”. What can he say instead? 

“I made a mistake. I need to learn from it.”


You see your friend got a better grade on a history project than you. How should you react?

Be happy for your friend. 

Be inspired that he did so well. 

Ask your friend if he can show you what he did to get such a good grade.


They embrace challenges and new experiences; you will learn from a new experience

Working hard to achieve goals; Knowing you can accomplish anything with hard work


“Every day I get a little bit better.”

Growth Mindset


You are working through your homework when you realize halfway through it’s all wrong. How should you react?

Say to yourself: 

“It’s better to know now than later”. 

“At least I figured out how to do it”. 

“My teacher would be proud that I figured it out on my own”.


Ariana’s dad asks her to mop the floors while he’s at work. She isn’t sure since she’s never done it before. What can she say to herself?

“I’m sure I can figure it out.” 

“I’ve figured out other things before so I am sure I can do it”.


Growth or Fixed Mindset?

Zac joins the homework club when he says, “I have trouble finishing my homework but this will help me improve.”

Growth Mindset


What does it mean to have grit?

Persevering to meet your goals; not giving up


“I didn’t do well on my test but at least I learned what I did wrong now.”

Growth Mindset


Bella comes across a really hard problem on a math test. She is thinking of just skipping it. What can she say to herself?

“This is going to make you a better math student by working through the problem.” 

“It’s okay if it’s challenging, that’s how you know you’re learning.”


Julie sees her sister playing piano and feels jealous she can’t play that good. What can she say or do instead?

Consider how she could practice at the piano to get better. 

Ask her sister, “How did you learn to play so well? Is there anything you can teach me?”


Fixed or Growth Mindset?

Anna asks Lisa if she has read any good books lately. Lisa says, “No, I’m not a reader.”

Fixed Mindset
