The way we think about learning can change the way we learn. True or False
The brain is something we cannot change? True or False
False. The Brain is simply a muscle that we can grow with hard work and practice.
True or False: Growth Mindset is a a solution to all of our problems. If you understand the growth mindset, you will automatically improve in all areas.
False. Action is the key to growth. It will take time.
Giving effort is not useful and important True or False.
False. Growth Mindset = Effort
The key to learning is believing in yourself and you can learn/do anything you set your mind to. True or False
Gaining brain muscle is all about trying challenging things. True or False
Tamara didn't make the gymnastics team but decided to keep practicing every day and had a growth mindset. True or False.
True. Not giving up does show a growth mindset.
Practice is skill-building
true or false?
True. Learning a new skill takes practice which is needed to help give our brain extra muscle.
Everyone has obstacles including adults and parents. T/F
What is a growth mindset goal you can have for this year?
Can you have a growth mindset in other areas of life besides school work?
True. A growth mindset is important in not only school but in your daily living.
Making a mistake is a big deal true or false?
False. People with a growth mindset understand that making mistakes help you grow.
You should never ask for help when you are having trouble True or False
False- Having the ability to ask for help is a skill and shows the growth mindset in action.
Everyone with a growth mindset is perfect and never goes through obstacles
True or False.
Does having a good attitude play a part in a growth mindset Yes or No.
Yes. The attitude you have can affect your growth mindset development.
People in a growth mindset often say things like, "A skill is something that is built." "If someone can't dance, it's because they haven't practiced enough." "A failure doesn't define me because I know I can learn from my mistakes and move forward."
Thinking in a growth mindset makes me more likely to be successful. True or False?
What is a Growth Mindset to you!
True or False
Feedback is not helpful. "I get defensive and stop listening when someone is giving me feedback because I don't do anything wrong."
Growth Mindset: Feedback is necessary and appreciated.
Sometimes failing can bring upon greatness True or False.
Did you know Micheal Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team before he made it big.
Did you know Steve Jobs (the man who created iPhones and iPads) was fired from his own company before making Apple what it is today?
Did you know the Wright Brothers who famously invented the first successful aircraft failed numerous times before building a successful plane.
Kids and students are the only ones who need to have a growth mindset? True or False
Belief + Action = (Growth)
True or False.
True or False
Because It takes me extra time to do a task, I will never learn it.
False. Everyone is different. We have to move forward at our own pace and continue to put in work to reach our goals.
True or False
Growth Mindset: Focuses on the process of improving and getting better.
Growth Mindset: This is not necessarily about what your already good at, but being able to improve in areas you may need help.
In class, you should not ask questions when things get hard?
True or False.
Your teacher is a great resource and is here to help you grow, always ask questions!