What is a growth minset?
to grow your brain in a positive way
List 3 ways you can get better at something.
-never give up and perservere
You are born with your talents.
True or False
False, good practice can make you be very talented at something.
How can growth mindset relate to something out of school?
-helping you get better at sports
-learn something new
-stay positive
What does it mean to "convince" someone?
Persuade or encourage them to do something
What are 3 ways to strengthen your brain?
-do riddles
True or False
How does a brain relate to muscles?
-they both grow
-you need to work hard to grow them
What does it mean to be "smart"?
-practicing and challenging your brain
-learning and focusing on certain areas that you struggle with
What are 3 ways to make your brain weaker?
-be lazy
-not pay attention & learn
-not study and know the concept
-not do homework
Learning how to juggle has no impact on your brain.
True or False
False, juggling make you smarter even if you don't notice it.
Connect juggling to a math problem.
Juggling and math are similar because you have to form a strategy to figure out both of the things. Also, they both make you smarter :)
What is a strategy?
a plan of action to reach a goal.
List 2 examples of how playing a sport make your brain grow?
-you learn and figure out strategies
-neurons connect
-you practice and learn how to play the sport correctly
True or False
False, it takes hard work, practice and challenging your brain to be smart.
How can writing stuff down relate to your brain?
Writing stuff down helps you memorize concepts because brain passages and neurons connect.
What is a neuron?
A nerve cell in your brain.
What are 3 ways to form a good stategy?
-think thoughtfully about the plan
-try it out
-never give up
Challenged brains are smarter than unchallenged brains.
True or False
Having a growth mindset can help you in your future because....?
Answers will vary.