Avalan Historian
what is the name of the location that the final boss is at
Apex of the Night
name of the quest where you must defend a fortress from hordes of ice creatures
Icarn Siege
what is the name of the final boss of the Gilded Throne quest
who says "Can't I go one day without me needing to send adventurers to kill something"
King of Avalan
commander of The Icarn Gate
Sir Vernan
location of the Gilded Throne quest final part
The City of Avalan
what is the name of the quest where the party needs to close a portal and kill a demonic summoner
Back From Infernal
Boss of the first part of Back From Infernal
who says "Come on now shoot your shot and show us what we want to see"
Head Tcientist Tsol
The hero who killed thousands undead, hundreds of demons and killed their leader before he finished cooking Otyugh Meat
what region is Celgar and his army from
what questline is a town of exiled and corrupted individuals who have built a town in a lava filled corrupted cave
Town of the Fallen
what is the final boss of Starless Night
The Nightwatch
who says "Master Atlas we are bound"
General Celgar
he who resides under the desert arena
Ancient Evil Yks
location of the Memory of Atlas boss fight
Hero's Shrine
final quest after all (required) questlines are complete
Starless Night
who is the boss that resides in the Hallow Town
All Seeing Arbiter
who says "once it all ends there will be no earth, no air, no life... Just Me"
The Nightwatch
true name of the Nightwatch
name of the copper tunnels and lab under the city of Avalan
quest given by the king of Avalan to see what lurks under the castle
Those Left Behind
Boss of Icarn Siege
General Celgar
who says "I have refined them"