The part of the flower that attracts insects and animals
What is the petal?
The outermost layer of the leaf
What is the cuticle?
The leader who conquered most of the known world
Who is Alexander the Great?
The series of wars fought between Rome and Carthage
What were the Punic Wars?
The line that stretches across the middle of a circle
What is a diameter?
The male reproductive parts of the flower
What is the stamen?
The layer directly below the upper epidermis
What is the palisade mesophyll?
Three different wars that were fought over land
What were the Persian wars?
The man who was named dictator for life
Who was Julius Ceasar?
This is the place where chariot races were held in Ancient Rome
What is the Circus Maximus?
Pollen is produced here
What is the anther?
The layer directly above the lower epidermis
What is the spongy mesophyll?
Greek philosopher who taught by questioning
Who was Socrates?
Rome was named after this twin brother
Who was Romulus?
The number of times Julius Ceasar was stabbed
What is 23?
These are the protective leaves below the petals
What are the sepals?
The part of the leaf that transports water and sugar
What is the phloem?
Socrates' most famous student and the father of biology
Who was Plato?
Holy title given to Octavian
Who is Augustus Ceasar?
Persecution of Christians ended when this man converted
Who is Constantine?
The female reproductive parts of the flower
What is the pistil?
The small opening on the bottom of the leaf that opens and closes to regulate water intake
The author that wrote Iliad and Odyssey
Who was Homer?
This means Roman Peace
What is Pax Romana?
The only continent that does not have a McDonalds
What is Antartica?