origins of grunge
consumption of grunge
control of grunge
development of grunge
From what city and state did grunge originate?
Seattle, Washington
What are 5 different examples of paraphernalia?
t-shirts clothing posters guitars tissue box covers Kurt Cobian talking action figure magnets badges signed photographs
What is grunge? What does it mean?
dirty, filthy, unclean - Grunge (sometimes referred to as the Seattle Sound) is a subgenre of alternative rock that emerged during the mid-1980s in the American state of Washington, particularly in the Seattle area.
On an local level, who has the most power originally?
peers - other bands, followers of the grunge scene
The two creaters of sub-pop were....
Bruce Pavit and Johothan Poneman
What is the key concept/factor behind the development of grunge
What is meant by the term, ' the currency of grunge'?
It originated as simply the music in local venues and the music/albums were being recorded and produced by the bands themselves.
Kurt Cobian was the most notable figure within the grunge scene. Who are 2 other “celebrities” of the grunge scene and what bands are they from?
Eddie Vedder - Pearl Jam Andy Wood - Mother Love Bone Layne Staley - Alice in Chains Courtney Love - Hole
How did the control of grunge as a popular culture originate in an authoritative role ?
What were two original forms of print media that were used in the developmnet of grunge?
fanzines posters newspaper articles
What was the name of the journalist and the magazine who came out from England? What happened as a result of this?
Andy Catlin wrote for Melody Maker. It introduced grunge to a global market and created an image of the seattle scene
The media was the main driving force behind the growth of grunge. Give 5 examples of this.
MTV Fanzines Melody Maker Rolling Stone Cream Juice Circus JJJ local radio
What was it about the “smells like teen spirit” film clip that was so different?
What was it about the “smells like teen spirit” film clip that was so different?disorderly, students going crazy, different to other film clips at the time, dirty, rebelious, cool scene to be part of, against parents and responsibility, non conformist.
What was the role of the Government in control of grunge? legislation - censorship laws - parental advisory sitcker/ song titles/ album covers etc. PRMC - Parent Music Resource Centre/ PTA Parent Teacher Association.
egislation - censorship laws - parental advisory sitcker/ song titles/ album covers etc. PRMC - Parent Music Resource Centre/ PTA Parent Teacher Association.
What was meant by the term ‘hit factory’ and why was this relevant to the development of grunge?
Coined by sub-pop. They wanted to change the current grunge recording scene and turn sub-pop into a motown inspired hit factory where they controlled the recording process through recording and distribution.
"The thing about being a loser is it doesn't matter if people like you or not. You can pretty much do what you want. And its fun." How does this quote by a member of the screaming trees represent ideas behind the growth of grunge into a global phenomenon?
youth gone wild. Youth were drawn to the idea of letting loose on stage. i.e. smells like teen spirit. Bands were up there just to rock out, not to act gave the "losers" an identity and someone to idolise
How have changes in technology impacted upon access and consumption of grunge?
- interent - downloads, ipods, fan pages, youtube - mobile phones - pop-up advertising Can be used/seen by many all over the world
What are some examples of continuity and change within the grunge popular culture?
continuity: CD's and vinyl sub-pop live gigs impact of the media ideology of music the obsession with celebrity The influence of heroes grunge merchandise change: recording labels new products technology
How have difference perception of grunge influenced either its acceptance or rejection by society?
\Government/ parents were againt grunge, however that was the appeal to youth. Media portrayed the scene to be drung infested - negative image in society, however those within the scence weren't phased by this. Believed to be the cool new thing, so youth were drawn into its pull
What influence did institutional powers have on the acceptance of grunge?
media: -vogue magazine fashion spread -mtv high rotation of grunge music -glossary of grunge
What was it about the environment which enabled the grunge scene to emerge? What was different about the origins grunge which created the seattle scene?
-Seatle - located in NW america - lots of rain -Isolated - Bands wouldn't travel that far north -Considered a weird place - Manson fmily holiday area, sereal killer capital. - All ages shows - Local radio - Bands watching each other
How has globalisation influenced change in the consumption of gurnge?
internet cable tv mtv international magazines easier, faster acces to more people. Spread the scene New products on market available internationally. i.e. ebay
Explain how grunge was accessed on a local level and how it changed when it grew to national and global popularity.
gigs in hall and churches, not bars so those underage were able to access. Bands were 'incestious' as bands would go watch other bands and swap bands creating more hype nad new influences.
What role did the media play in the control of grunge as a popular culture? Did the media have more power or authority in how it portrayed the grunge scene?
Power or authority? more power....why? Radios - refusing to play songs, bleeping out words Media's portrayal of KC and other grunge artists in a negative light - the media had control over them in some respects.
Provide at least 3 examples of key dates and events which lead for the rise of grunge as a popular culture from a local to national and then global level.
September 1984 - Soundgarden play first show April 1988 - Subpop release ltd edition complation album March 1989 - UK journaist write article about Mudhoney March 1990 - Billboard atricle on the Seattle Sound September 1991 - 'Nevermind' Aalbum Launched January 1992 - 'Nevermind' reaches #1 December 1992 - Vogue's grunge spread April 1994 - Kurt Cobian found Dead