What is the American Dream?
Its the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspiration and goals to be achieved.
Which European country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States.
where is Arnold from?
Why is happiness spelled wrong in the title?
Because it written on the kindergarten
what was Martin Luther king Jr. famous speech called
I have a dream
Which bird symbolizes America?
The american bald eagle
In which state was Arnold governor?
Find 5 adjectives to describe Chris.
fx: Unlucky, Hard working, Powerful, Protecktive, Smart/clerver
What man felt that the american dream was not possible for everyone?
LeAlan Jones
The original 13 colonies
What is Arnolds biggest advice for immigrants?
Learn English
which job did Chris apply for and got a internship at
a stockbroker
who invented the term
James Adams
Who are the for people Engraved in Mount Rushmore?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abreham Lincoln
Max Frankel and Albert Einstein
What barriers/struggles did Chris face in this pursuit? Name 3.
fx: He cant sell his machine, Wife leaves, He is poor
in which book and of which author was the term The American Dream first popularized?
"The Epic of America" by James Truslow Adams
When did the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly order the Liberty Bell
which day will Arnold Schwarznegger always remember?
sept. 16. 1983
Which real-life entreprenur is the movie based of?
Chris Gardner