How far in advance can a student register for an individual visit online?
2 weeks
How are Admissions counselors assigned?
By region
What is the date of the first CU Friday of the year?
October 13
Who is currently in charge of making guest visit schedules?
Anna Schindler
How should you start every phone call?
Thank you for calling Cedarville University. This is ___. How can I help you?
What is the protocol for registering someone for a visit that calls within the two-week window?
Email with the name of the student and date of visit
How do you know if a student should get a class schedule in their packet?
Their name will be highlighted on the visit packet query.
When does registration close for an event day (excluding CU Monday)?
11:59 p.m. the Sunday before the event.
If someone has a question about the status of their Overnight Housing request, who should you direct them to/contact?
What should you say when taking a caller off of hold? (Must get every word correct)
Thank you for holding, are you still there?
If someone calls the day before their intended individual visit date, what should you do?
If you need to get a t-shirt for a student that is applying on campus, where should you get it from?
The RCA studio cabinet
What are two differences between CUF and AA day?
Ari's discretion :)
If someone has a question about the status of their travel reimbursement, who should you direct them to?
Alina Sanders
If someone calls and would like more information about the undergraduate pharmacy program, who should you transfer them to?
Hope Strayer
What is the first box you should fill in on the registration form (besides their name)?
Arrival time
When should a student get a silver lanyard on their packet?
When their arrival time is 9:15 a.m. or later.
Who is the Admissions Counselor for non-degree seeking students?
Tanner Kunz
If someone calls about airport transportation for an academic break, who should you transfer it to?
Campus Experience
How can a HS guidance counselor send in a student's transcripts for their application (4 total options)? Which should you recommend first?
Email an unofficial copy to OR the student's Admissions Counselor OR mail in OR Parchment. Always recommending an online version of their unofficial transcript.