The amount of ways the Greeks could say "love"
What is 7
This riot that took place in 1969 is considered the "first pride"
What is Stonewall?
This greek poet from the island of lesbos was extraordinarily gay and has a sexuality named after her
Who is Sappho?
This flag consists of 5 stripes, with light blue and pink colors on the outside, and a white stripe in the middle
What is the transgender flag?
People would ask this phrase in the 40's and 50's to safely ask if someone is an ally of the community or queer themselves.
What is "Are you a friend of Dorthy?"
This is a phrase used to describe non-romantic, committed relationships that is often shortened to "QPR"
What is queer platonic relationship?
The first US state to officially legalize gay marriage
The flower has been a common link to a sexuality for over 2000 years
What are violets?
This flag has four stripes, the top stripe having yellow and it's third stripe being purple
What is the non-binary flag?
What is gaydar?
What term describes a marriage of convenience between 2 LGBTQ individuals in order to conceal their identities & protect themselves
What is a Beard couple/Lavender marriage
This holiday, established in 2009, is celebrated yearly on March 31 to recognize the struggles faced by trans, non-binary, and GNC people
What is Trans Day of Visibility
Lesbians used to give this vegetable to each other to express love
What is broccoli?
This flag is also nicknamed "the sunset flag"
What is the lesbian flag?
This phrase indicates that someone is queer and is often accompanied by the nail polish emoji
What is limp wrist?
This term describes a group of drag performers who support one another as a chosen family often led by a 'mother' or 'father'
Drag mother/houses
It was during this epidemic that "L" became the first letter of LGBTQ+ to honor lesbian nurses
What is the AIDS epidemic?
What flower was popularized by author Oscar Wild as a symbol of rebellion, individualism, and a subtle code for gay identity.
What is a green carnation?
This flag is made up of two different flags, consisting of yellow and blue.
Derived from Sappho's name, this is a way to describe relationships between women, femme presenting people, and/or some non-binary folk
What is Sapphic?
List 5 mislabels under the aromatic and asexual umbrellas (Doesn't count: aromantic, asexual, aroace)
This gay man was a biologist and computer scientist, but he is most prominently known for his decoding skills
What color and flower was a symbol of rebellion and resistance of the queer community in the US during the 50s?
What is lavender?
This flag consists of seven stripes in an almost rainbow order, excluding green. It also has a four semicircle arcs and a star in the center
What is the xenogender flag?
What is a euphemism for homosexuality in Mandarin, referencing the relationship between Emperor Han and his lover Dong Xian?
What is 'Cut Sleeve'?