Give the translation of "Mihi necesse est intellegere"
It is necessary for me to understand/I must understand
What is the nominative singular form of "Tempus, Temporis"?
What is the translation of sentio?
I feel/sense
Give the person, number, and tense for "advenit"
3rd S Present
Provide the conjugation of the verb "Habeo, habere"
Give the translation of "Potes audire"
You are able to understand/You can understand
What are the accusative and vocative singular forms of "femur, femoris"?
What is the translation of audior?
I am heard
Give the person, number, tense, and voice for "advenitur"
3rd person singular present passive
Provide the conjugation of the verb "Audio, audire"
What is the difference between "mihi necesse est" and "tibi necesse est"?
Mihi = To Me
Tibi = To You
What are the nominative, accusative, and vocative plural forms of "Os, Oris"?
What is the translation of " we are heard"?
Give the full parse of the verb "sentis"
2nd person singular present active indicative
Provide the conjugations of the verbs "Amo, amare" and "sentio, sentire"
1st and 4th
If you ask "Possum transalire," what is the correct positive response?
Ita, tu potes transalire.
What are the dative and ablative plural forms of "Femur, Femoris"?
What is the translation of "sentiuntur"?
They are sensed/felt
Provide the 2nd person plural present active indicative form of "amo, amare"
Name one WRONG conjugation for the verb "defenestro, defenestrare"
2nd, 3rd, 4th
If you ask "Potes intellegere," what is the correct negative response?
Minime, ego non possum intellegere.
What is the full paradigm of "Tempus, Temporis"?
Tempus, Temporis, Tempori, Tempus, Tempore, Tempus
Tempora, Temporum, Temporibus, Tempora, Temporibus, Tempora
What is the singular equivalent of "audimini"?
True or false: the Latin verb "habent" is third person plural present active indicative
Name all the conjugations that are WRONG for "Ago, Agere"
1st, 2nd, 4th