What is considered a pediatric pt?
Contraindications for a supraglottic airway?
1. Intact gag reflex
2. Caustic Ingestion
How do you transport a pregnant pt?
Position of comfort or left side
What do you do with the amputated limb and stump?
Amputated: cover with moist sterile dressing, place in sealed bag, keep cool and don't allow freezing
Stump: cover with moist, sterile dressing covered by dry dressing
5 reasons to not attempt resuscitation
1. Lividity or rigor mortis
2. decomposition
3. decapitation
4. massive blunt head/chest/abdominal trauma
5. 3rd degree burns on more than 90% of body surface area
What is the Sepsis Criteria?
1. Documented Infection
2. Hypotensive (systolic less than 90)
3. At least 2 of the SIRS Criteria
- temp greater than 100.4 or lower than 96.8
- Pulse greater than 90
- Resp rate greater than 20
You do "blank" for ALL ob pts?
High flow oxygen and fluids
Exceptions to traumatic arrest are?
hint: 5 things
1. Hypothermia
2. Drowning
3. Pregnant with estimated gestational age of >20
4. Lightening Strike or electrocution
5. Avalanche victim
What age does a pt have to be to seek mental health help?
During an overdose what information do you need?
hint: 5 things
1. type of ingestion
2. What/when/how ingested?
3. Bring the poison/substance if possible to the ED
4. Note actions taken by bystanders
5. Contact poison control
If a pregnant pt is immobilized how/how much do you tilt the backboard?
15-30 degrees to the left side
What is M.A.R.C.H in our general trauma care protocols?
Massive hemorrhage, Address airway and Support Breathing, Assess Circulation, Hypothermia/Head Injury
hint: 3 things
1. Understands nature of illness/injury or the risk associated
2. Understands possible consequences with delaying treatment/refusing transport
3. Not intoxicated with drugs or alcohol
What is included in the pediatric pain scale?
Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability
Scoring: 1-3
What info is needed with pt history?
Number of pregnancies (Gravida), Number of live births (Para), expected delivery date, length of previous labors, narcotic use in the last 4 hours
What kind of trauma do you avoid using a C-Collar and what are the exceptions?
hint: 2 scenarios
Penetrating neck injury (place if presence of a neurologic deficit) or athletic equipment is in place and you are unable to remove it
What is the role of a mandated reporter?
- what happens if you don't report?
A mandatory reporter has reasonable cause to know or suspect that someone has been subjected to abuse/neglect/exploitation
- What happens if you do not report?
1. Charged with a class 3 misdemeanor
2. Liable for damages proximately caused by failing to report
What are the 6 things you must document if you restrain a pt?
1. Description justifying restraint
2. Efforts to de-escalate
3. Type of restraints used
4. Condition of pt. while restrained/reevaluations
5. Condition of pt. at the time of transfer of care to ER staff
6. any injury to pt. or personnel
What level is VVH intensive care nursery?
level 2
What are non-hypovolemic causes of shock that could happen during trauma?
part 2: What is the SBP in adult and pediatric you will administer fluids?
2. Pericardial Tamponade
3. Neurogenic
Part 2 - Adult: 100mmHg Ped: 90mmHg