What color is the Grinch?
What reindeer's name starts with an R?
Rudolph :)
What date is Christmas Day?
December 25th
What is the name of the cookie houses built during the holidays?
Gingerbread Houses!
What is the name of the Grinch's dog?
What reindeer's name starts with a D?(multiple answers)
Dancer, Donner & Dasher
What date is Christmas Eve?
December 24th
What are common colors for Christmas time?
Red, Green and Gold
What is the name of the elf from the movie Elf?
What reindeer's name starts with a C? (multiple answers)
Comet, Cupid
What date is New Year's Eve?
What is something that we build when it snows?
A Snow man!
What movie is about the boy who gets left behind on his family holiday vacation?
Home Alone!
What reindeer's name starts with a P?
What date is New Year's Day?
January 1st!
What are common colors for Hanukkah?
Blue & White
What's the name of the movie with the train that picks up the kids in the middle of the night?
The Polar Express!
What reindeer's name starts with a V?
How long does Hanukkah last?
8 days!
What are common colors for Kwanzaa?
Red, black & green!