This enzyme is essential for removing the RNA primers from the fragments and replacing them with the required nucleotides. Specifically in Prokaryotes
DNA Polymerase 1
This type of organism can go process transcription and translation at the same time
A classic example of negative inducible operon that we have talked about in class
Lac Operons
A type of genetic component that copies and pastes themselves into different genomic locations.
This enzyme is responsible for elongating the leading strand during the dna replication. Specifically for Eukaryotes
This enzyme recognizes famously the TATA box at -35
RNA Polymerase II
This sequences represents a three consecutive nucleotides that codes for a specific amino acid
An Example of negative repressible regulation that we have talked about in class
Trp Operon
This is the process of selecting different combinations of splice sites within an mRNA.
Alternate splicing
This part is an end of a chromosome and its function is to protect the internal regions of the chromosome and maintain genomic integrity
This enzyme transcribes rRNAs and recognizes promoter from -1 to -50, AT-rich sequence
RNA Polymerase II
This is the template that is being read during the translation.
This type of control describes when the binding of a regulatory protein turns the operon on or off
Positive vs. Negative control
In this process, when a certain chemical group is attached to the histones, it results in Heterochromatin.
This is the direction where DNA replication occurs
5' to 3'
This process occurs when a certain factor binds with the transcript strand and terminates the transcription by breaking hydrogen bonds between the template and the transcript.
Rho Dependent Termination
This type of RNA connects the mRNA codons to the amino acids they encode.
This type of control describes when a signal/substrate results in the expression of the structural genes
Inducible vs. repressible control
A DNA element that acts as a boundary stopping DNA folding out of its territory
This Y shaped region on a replicating DNA molecule where new strands are growing
Replication Fork
These are subunits of RNA polymerases that are responsible for determining the specificity of promoter DNA binding and initiating transcription. (Prokaryotes)
Sigma factors
This is produced when glucose levels are low. They attach themselves to CAP which results in high levels of transcription.
Short Sequences of DNA nucleotides that are synthesized discontinuously and later will be linked together by DNA ligase during the DNA replications
Okazaki fragments.