Which planet shares its name with Mickey Mouse's dog?
How many syllables are in the word "inspiration"
What is 4
Stop signs have 8 sides. What plane figure has 8 sides
What is octagon
In which of these years was the Declaration of Independence signed: 1676, 1776 or 1876 ?
what is 1776
Which type of food is often prepared in a wok: ?
What is chinese
In which part of the human body is the cochlea found:
the ear, the chest, or the eye?
What is the ear
A. Secretary: typing
B. Bicycle: pedal
C. Automobile: drive
D. Receive: package
E. Messenger: place
Answer: A Delivery is something a courier does; typing is something a secretary does. The relationship is agent: action or occupation: job duty.
Spencer ran the 100 yard dash in 16 seconds. Nelson ran it in 1/4 of a minute. Who ran faster.
who is Spencer
Does the Mississippi river run from east to west or from north to south?
What is north to south.
Name the animal that ran around warning that
"The sky is falling"
Who is Chicken little
Which of these units measures the energy produced by food: degree, calorie, or kilogram?
What is calorie
1. Which of these punctuation marks is formed by two dots:
2. The little girl’s inflated toy seal was rapidly carried away by the ocean waves.
What is a colon
What is carried
Which is greater 4/5 or .75?
What is 4/5
Which of these countries is not an island?
Korea, Japan, or New Zealand?
What is Korea
Where do you wear a cumberbund?
what is around the waist
When rain falls through a layer of super-cold air, does it become snow, hail, or sleet?
What is sleet
What prefix that means "under" can be attached to the words "way" and "marine"?
What is "sub"
Andy drove 80 miles in 2 hours. What was his average speed in miles per hour?
What 40 miles per hour
How many senators does Nevada elect to Congress?
what is two
At a bank, what do the letters ATM stand for?
What is automated teller machine
1. Which of these words is a name for bands of light visible in the night sky in the Arctic Circle: aurona australis, aurora borealis, or aurora artica?
2. DISSENT DISSOLVE – These words:
A. Have opposite meanings.
B. Are not related in meaning.
C. Have similar meanings.
What is aurora borealis
What is B: are not related
Which of these words means "spread out"
solicit, splice, or splay?
what is splay
Which two of these fractions are equivalent
8/7 24/21 28/27 ?
8/7 and 24/21
Which of these titles belongs to the class of military governors who ruled Japan until the mid-1800's ?
Samurai, shogun, or emperor?
What is shogun
What TV and movie family includes Morticia, Gomez, and Uncle Fester
What is the Adam's Family