Unit 1 Vocabulary
Unit 2 Vocabulary
Idioms and expressions
Mystery 👀

Extroverts enjoy ___________ with many different people.

a. figuring out

b. reflecting

c. connecting

d. gaining

Extroverts enjoy connecting with many different people.


When people are __________ for money, they may ask for it from strangers on the street.

a. desperate

b. challenging

c. understanding

d. judgmental

When people are desperate for money, they may ask for it from strangers on the street.


In my opinion, no person is all good or all bad. It's not ______________. People are complex.

a. putting people into boxes

b. on the other hand

c. the life of the party

d. black and white

In my opinion, no person is all good or all bad. It's not black and white. People are complex.

A ___________ person often stereotypes people. That means that they believe they know someone just from their nationality, race, or background.

a. introvert

b. extrovert

c. overwhelmed

d. simple-minded

A simple-minded person often stereotypes people. That means that they believe they know someone just from their nationality, race, or background.


Most PCC teachers are __________ with due dates if a student needs more time.

a. flexible

b. outgoing

c. reflecting

d. personality

Most PCC teachers are flexible with due dates if a student needs more time.


His friends were _________ even though they didn't agree with his decision. They still helped him as much as possible.

a. upset

b. supportive

c. upsetting

d. deserving

His friends were supportive even though they didn't agree with his decision. They still helped him as much as possible.


Extroverts tend to be very social, and they gain energy from being with people. Introverts, _______________, gain energy from being alone.

a. putting people into boxes

b. on the other hand

c. the life of the party

d. black and white

Extroverts tend to be very social, and they gain energy from being with people. Introverts, on the other hand, gain energy from being alone.


Do you believe that every person is __________, or do you believe that we are all basically the same?

a. outgoing

b. unique

c. reflection

d. exotic

Do you believe that every person is unique, or do you believe that we are all basically the same?


The _________ of a word is its meaning. You can find it in a dictionary.

a. misconception

b. recharging

c. familiar with

d. definition

The definition of a word is its meaning. You can find it in a dictionary.


I'm afraid I'll forget to call my grandma on her birthday. Please _________ me this weekend!

a. react

b. remind

c. comfort

d. respond

I'm afraid I'll forget to call my grandma on her birthday. Please remind me this weekend!


Before you criticize someone, you should _______________________. Then maybe you will understand that person better.

a. be black and white

b. put people in boxes

c. be the life of the party

d. put yourself in their shoes

Before you criticize someone, you should put yourself in their shoes. Then maybe you will understand that person better.


A common ___________ about New Yorkers (people from New York) is that they are rude. This is actually not true, they just aren't talkative with strangers.

a. desperate

b. reflection

c. misconception

d. individual

A common misconception about New Yorkers (people from New York) is that they are rude. This is actually not true, they just aren't talkative with strangers.


English grammar is ________. It can be very confusing because there are so many different rules!

a. definition

b. figure out

c. exotic

d. complex

English grammar is complex. It can be very confusing because there are so many different rules


The best part about teaching ESOL is hearing the _________ of students from different backgrounds. Everyone has a different opinion.

a. judgmental

b. connections

c. incredibly

d. perspectives

The best part about teaching ESOL is hearing the perspectives of students from different backgrounds. Everyone has a different opinion.


_____________________, or in other words, it's good to try new things and different experiences.

a. Variety is the spice of life

b. You are what you eat

c. Hunger is the best sauce

d. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Variety is the spice of life, or in other words, it's good to try new things and different experiences.


What are the ______________ of a strong student?

They are willing to make mistakes and they work hard but take breaks.

a. responses

b. characteristics

c. topics

d. tissues

What are the characteristics of a strong student?

They are willing to make mistakes and they work hard but take breaks.


I feel __________ when I have too much to do. Sometimes I need to _________ by laying in bed and watching reality TV for a few hours.

a. familiar with...hang out with

b. simple-minded...overwhelming

c. unique...gain

d. overwhelmed...recharge

I feel overwhelmed when I have too much to do. Sometimes I need to recharge by laying in bed and watching reality TV for a few hours.


I believe that many homeless people are __________. They have a difficult life with no safe and warm place to sleep.

a. supportive

b. challenging

c. suffering

d. comforting

I believe that many homeless people are suffering. They have a difficult life with no safe and warm place to sleep.


"When I was younger I had so much energy and I didn't appreciate it!"

"Well, __________________________________."

a. be black and white

b. we never miss water until the well runs dry.

c. eat to live but do not live to eat.

d. you are what you eat.

"When I was younger I had so much energy and I didn't appreciate it!"

"Well, we never miss water until the well runs dry."


After putting a lot of ________ into your language studies, you might feel exhausted.

a. effort

b. even

c. comfort

d. affect

After putting a lot of effort into your language studies, you might feel exhausted.
