People to know
Read the syllabus
Exam Time, Part II
Scenarios, Part II
Potpourri, Part II
Who is the course coordinator for most courses below the 100-level?
Steve Hair
What is the official Penn State policy regarding the distribution of written syllabi?
A written syllabus must be supplied to students in each course within the first ten days. (Online distribution via ANGEL meets this requirement; make sure to send all students an email message directing them to ANGEL for a copy of the syllabus.)
What are some of the things you should do when you proctor an exam?
Arrive early, work out a seating arrangement so that students are far enough apart, walk around the room and watch the students, look for any open notebooks, papers, etc. on the floor, watch for cell phones; pictures can be taken with cell phones and sent back with answers.
A student asks if they could get a copy of your notes or if you could post your notes online. What should you do?
You are not required to post your notes online.
What is the easiest way to let students know their grades?
Through ANGEL
Who is the course coordinator for MATH 110?
James Hager
What information should you include on your personal syllabus?
Note that you do not have to write the official syllabus if you are teaching a multi-section course. On your personal syllabus, you should include your homework/quiz policy, your policy regarding late/missed work, your contact information and office hours.
A student misses an exam and lets you know a week later they would like to take it. What should you do?
Consult with the course coordinator. They may be able to take a make-up exam, but with a point penalty.
A student complains to you that in another MATH 110 recitation the quiz questions are just like the examples covered during the recitation, but yours are different and so the quiz scores are lower. What should you do?
Consult with the course coordinator.
Which courses have a required online component?
MATH 21, 22, and 17.
Who should you see about obtaining your secur-ID, which you will need to enter your students’ final grades?
Becky Halpenny
In addition to your office hours, where else can students go for additional help?
Free mathematics tutoring is available through Penn State Learning for MATH 004-251. Also, a list of private (paid) tutors is maintained by the Mathematics Department.
Suppose a student requests to take the conflict exam after you have turned in your conflict exam sign-up sheet. What should you do?
You should give Kathy the student’s information (name, e-mail, and reason for taking the conflict exam). Do not send the student to 104 McAllister.
You can’t make a required course meeting. What should you do?
Notify the course coordinator and meet with someone else who attended the meeting to obtain the information you missed.
In addition to any math seminars that you are interested in attending, what other seminar should you attend?
The Teaching Seminar. These are often held 11:00-12:30 in 114 McAllister and involve a variety of topics of importance to those teaching mathematics courses.
Who should you see if you would like to change the room that you have been assigned to teach in? (Note that there is no guarantee that this can be done).
Lynda Fisher
How many days do students have to change their schedule before losing late drop credits?
Students may add/drop a course without academic penalty within the first ten calendar days of the semester. A student may late drop a course within the first twelve weeks of the semester but loses late drop credits equal to the number of credits in the dropped course. A baccalaureate student is limited to 16 late drop credits.
A student cannot make the regularly scheduled exam, the conflict exam, or the makeup exam. What can you do?
If a student misses both the regularly scheduled examination and the scheduled makeup due to a valid, verifiable reason, it may be possible to take a makeup examination by appointment. All such makeup examinations must be scheduled through the instructor with the approval of the course coordinator and must be completed no later than one week after the scheduled makeup examination.
A student confides in you that they have been having a lot of personal problems and breaks down in tears. What can you do?
You can ask if the student has spoken to anyone else. If they have not, you may want to refer them to the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):
How will you know what material and which examples to cover from a particular section in the book?
You can refer to the suggested homework list and/or ask the course coordinator.
What Math Department staff member handles all the paperwork for students with disabilities?
Kathy Zekan
Suppose a student gets very sick during finals week and is unable to take the final exam. What can you do?
Students who are unable to complete the course because of illness or emergency may be granted a deferred grade which will allow the student to complete the course within the first six weeks of the following semester. Note that deferred grades are limited to those students who can verify and document a valid reason for not being able to take the final examination. Consult with the course coordinator before giving a deferred grade.
The final exam for your class occurs on the last possible day at the last possible hour. Several students ask if they can take it earlier. What is your response?
The syllabus states “The final examination may be scheduled on any day during the final examination period. Do not plan to leave University Park until after the last day of finals week”. If students have made plans to leave earlier that cannot be changed, they can take the exam with a point penalty. Consult with the course coordinator.
If a student requests extra time or some special accommodations during an exam or during class, but does not have proper documentation, what should you do?
Accommodations should be provided if and only if they are supported by an ODS (Office for Disability Services) letter. If the student cannot obtain an ODS letter in time and you think their request is reasonable, consult with the course coordinator.
According to a Penn State survey (from 1995), 2/3 of students spend how much time outside of class studying per week?
Less than 15 hours per week.