Safety First
It's Protocol
Discipline Policies
Uh Oh!
What level of first-aid do we administer?
We can administer ONLY Band-Aids.
What time do all volunteers need to arrive?
All volunteers must arrive by 9:45am, unless you are a Supervisor or KidCheck volunteer who are expected to arrive by 9:30am.
True or False: GTKids uses time-out as a measure of classroom discipline.
True. If there is an incident that does not involve physical harm, a child is verbally warned. Remind him that he has used up his first “chance.” The next time, he will be placed in time-out.
What should you do when you are running late on a Sunday you are serving?
You should text Jenn Cho with your name, ETA, and explanation of why you are running late.
What is the three-step process GTKids uses to vet its volunteers?
1. Application 2. Personal interview 3. Background check
How are volunteers alerted of children who have allergies?
In order to alert volunteers of the child’s allergy, the child’s name will appear in white letters against a black background (instead of the usual black letters on a white background).
What do you do to print your volunteer nametag when you arrive on a Sunday morning?
Check in at the KidCheck computer using your 10-digit phone number.
Who is responsible to speak with parents about chronic discipline issues?
Team teachers, coordinators and the Ministry Director should handle any parent communication, which involves issues of discipline.
You notice your curriculum box is low on supplies, what do you do?
Write comments to the supervisor on the bottom/back of your attendance sheet and follow up with your coordinator through email.
At what time do each of the classrooms open up?
Nursery, Toddler, Preschool - 11:00am Kindergarten, Younger Elementary, Older Elementary - 11:30am
Name one security policy GTKids uses to ensure the safety of our children.
Answers will vary.
Who can change children’s diapers?
Parents are called to change children's diapers.
To whom does a teacher report an incident/problem within the classroom?
If there is any injury in a classroom, the teachers and/or volunteers will immediately tell the supervisor. [The volunteer must complete an Incident Form (found with your classroom clipboard) as soon as possible and turn in the top portion of the form to the supervisor.]
What should a classroom teacher do if a parent loses his or her nametag?
If a parent or guardian arrives at the classroom without their number tag, the volunteer can check the child’s name badge for the name of their primary guardian. The volunteer should then ask the parent for a piece of ID matching the guardian name on the child’s name badge.
How many Backyard VBS sites did we have this summer?
GTKids had four sites: Roncesvalles, North York, East York, and Upper Beaches.
What paperwork should volunteers take with them in an evacuation event?
Volunteers must take with them their attendance clipboard.
Who can take children to the washroom?
Parents are encouraged to take their toilet-trained child to the washroom before dropping him/her off in class. In the case that a parent is not available, a female teacher or supervisor may accompany the child with the washroom, with the door open behind them.
What is the first thing that must be evaluated in any discipline event?
When incidents do occur, the severity of the offense must first be established.
What is the first thing you should you do if you’ve suddenly fallen ill and cannot attend your Sunday shift?
The first thing you should do is email your team using the Google Group to find a replacement.
Name 4 of 7 classroom coordinators.
Nursery: Katharine Kim, Sarah Yun Toddler: Grace Tong Preschool: Faith Au Yeung Kindergarten: Hedva Chiu Younger Elementary: Jenn Bowler Older Elementary: Markus Schafer
True or false: GTKids volunteers may hug children.
In an effort to protect children, extended hugging is deemed as inappropriate touch.
How many adults must be in a room at all times?
There must be 2 adults in a room at all times.
Why would a child be immediately removed from the classroom?
If a child has caused physical harm to another child (pulling hair, biting, slapping, kicking, punching, pushing), that child should be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED from the classroom. The supervisor should call the parent(s) of the “offender” out of the service, and the team teacher or classroom coordinator should communicate the details of the incident with the parents. An apology can be expected and forgiveness should be granted: the teacher (or parent) should mediate this process. It will be the teacher’s decision whether or not the child is permitted back into the classroom. When the parents of the “victim” arrive at pick-up, the incident should also be explained to them. Everything must be carefully recorded on a GT Kids incident form.
What should you do when a child needs to go to the washroom, but there are only two volunteers in the classroom?
You should call the supervisor to ask them to pick up the child to accompany them to the washroom.
How many children did we have in our kids ministry last week?
We had 81 children in GTKids on Sunday, September 14th.