What are the two types of inductance?
What are Maxwell's Equations?
Gauss's Law, Gauss's Law for magnetism, Faraday's Law, and Ampere-Maxwell Law
What city is MIT in?
Boston (or Cambridge)
What nationality was Ampere?
What city am I from?
List 2 real-world examples of mutual inductance.
Wireless charging, metal detectors, medical imaging, transformers, generators, etc.
What law did Maxwell combine with Faraday's Law?
Lenz's Law
What course number is mechanical engineering?
Course 2
What is the first step to solving a problem using Ampere's Law?
Draw Amperian loop.
How many dogs do I have?
Explain in words what Faraday's law says.
I will judge if your answer is sufficient.
Explain why Gauss's Law for magnetism is equal to zero.
Because magnetic field lines to not have a beginning or an end the number of field lines entering a closed surface will always be equal to the number of field lines coming out.
What river is MIT next to?
Charles River
Is Ampere's Law used to find the direction of a magnetic field?
No only magnitude, we use Right Hand Rule to find direction.
What university does my brother attend?
Cornell University
What are the 3 ways I can change the flux through a surface?
Change the strength of the magnetic field, change the area of the surface, change the angle of the surface and the magnetic field.
What do Maxwell's equations explain altogether?
Electromagnetic waves
What is the MIT mascot?
Tim the Beaver!
Name 3 current carrying objects that I could use Ampere's Law to find the magnetic field of.
any 3 of the following: Infinitely long wires, solenoids, toroids, infinite current carrying slabs or sheets.
How tall am I (in feet and inches)?
5 feet 10 inches (178 cm but must answer in imperial units)
Explain how a guitar pickup works.
I will judge if your answer is sufficient.
Why did Maxwell need to add another term to Ampere's Law?
Because it didn't account for capacitors. Even if there is no current, a changing magnetic field will create a magnetic field.
How many Nobel Laureates does MIT have?
105 (12 are currently professors)
Using Ampere's Law, derive the equation for the magnetic field inside a thick wire carrying a current I and of radius R, at a distance r from the center. (r<R)
B= (mu*I*r)/(2*pi*R2 )
must show work
What sports did I play in high school?
Basketball, cross country running, and track.