Old habits die hard
It is difficult to change established customs or habits.
Stick to the tried and true
To adhere to methods or customs that have proven effective or reliable over time.
A traditional way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time.
Handed down from generation to generation
Traditions or customs that are passed on over time.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Children often follow the customs or behaviors of their parents.
A set of actions performed according to a prescribed order, often for religious or ceremonial purposes.
To follow in someone's footsteps
To carry on the traditions or practices of someone, usually an ancestor.
To uphold a tradition
To maintain and continue practicing a tradition.
A formal event or occasion, often involving rituals or traditions, such as a wedding ceremony or graduation ceremony.
Time-honored tradition
A tradition that has been respected and followed for a long time.
To keep the flame alive
To ensure that a tradition or practice continues.
Traditions, customs, and practices that are passed down from generation to generation within a culture or community.
To carry the torch
To continue a tradition or mission.
Custom is king
Established customs or traditions hold significant power and influence.
Cultural norms
Accepted standards of behavior and belief within a particular society or group, often based on traditional practices and values.