She Performed a character whose hair was dyed pink and blue.
Defining clause
Margot Robbie
Correct the mistake.
Nestlé provided 1,850 bars of real chocolate for this movie, that was starred by Jhonny Depp.
Correct the mistake
Nestlé provided 1,850 bars of real chocolate for this movie, WHICH was starred by Jhonny Depp.
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.
This city, which is European, is the capital of Italy.
What is the name of Jack Sparrow's ship?
Black Pearl
Are you athletic?
Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, your hands on your back and try to stand up without using your hands
This is a woman who has starred X-men, Red Sparrow and hunger games.
Defining clause
Jennifer lawrence
Complete the sentence with the proper relative pronoun
It is a movie ______ characters are smart monsters.
It is a movie WHOSE characters are smart monsters.
Monsters University
This city, which is located In USA, has one of the most famous avenues in the world.
New York
Directed by Guy Ritchie, who plays the Genie in the 2019 adaptation of Aladdin?
Will Smith
Tongue twister
1. Black back bat (X3)
2. Flash message (x3)
3. Red lorry, yellow lorry (x3)
This guy, whose suit in the movie is red and blue, realized he was going to be part of a famous movie whilst browsing on Instagram!
Non-defining clause
Tom Holland
Include the Relative clause into the sentence.
S: this movie was starred by Will Smith.
RC: which displayed a "similar" situation we're living nowadays.
This movie, which displayed a "similar" situation we're living nowadays, was starred by Will Smith.
I'm legend
This country, which is pretty cold, is the largest European country.
In what franchise would you find the character Katniss Everdeen?
The Hunger Games
It's dancing time!
Perform a tik tok or Fornite dance!
This man, who is also a famous singer, starred Jumanji.
Non-defining clause
Nick Jonas
Correct the mistake
Emma Watson, which acted as Hermione in Harry Potter, refused to wear a corset in this movie.
Emma Watson, WHO acted as Hermione in Harry Potter, refused to wear a corset in this movie.
The beauty and the beast.
This Asian country, whose flag is white and red, experiences 20 percent of the world’s 6.0-magnitude or higher temblors annually.
In the movie Frozen, which song does Elsa sing as she builds the castle?
Let it go
Test your mind!
1. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
2. You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?
3.What gets wet while drying?
He was the man who first offered Juan Bosco the opportunity to study.
Don Calosso
Include the relative clause into the sentence
S: Chris Pratt Stole his costume from the set.
RC: Who acted as Star Lord
Chris Pratt, Who acted as Star Lord, stole his costume from the set.
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Who played Jack in Titanic?
Leonardo DiCaprio
Imitate a famous character for 30 seconds!