What does "a grey area" really mean?
It means that something is unclear
What does "Off the top of my head" mean?
It means "to think of something immediately"
Busy as a bee actually means__________
To work hard at something
I "feel blue" today.
What does "feeling blue" mean?
This means to feel sad.
Stop "beating around the bush!"
This means to avoid talking about a specific topic
What does "a rip-off" mean?
It means that something costs too much money
What does "It cost an arm and a leg" mean?
It means that something is very expensive
What does "Fish out of water" mean?
It means to be somewhere you don't belong
The doctor gave me the "green light" to travel.
This means to give permission
This means to disappear
My mother told me "Don't add fuel to the fire."
What does "add fuel to the fire" mean?
to make a problem worse
What does it mean to "Get cold feet"
It means to be nervous
Who "let the cat out of the bag?"
What does "Let the cat out of the bag" mean?
She called me "out of the blue."
Out of the blue means_______
This is said when something is unexpected.
When it rains, it pours!
This means that bad things happen in large numbers
When I am at the grocery store, I usually "draw a blank" with things I need.
What does "draw a blank" mean?
It means that I cannot remember something.
What does it mean when something "Fell on deaf ears"?
This means that people were not listening to something being said.
What does "When pigs fly" actually mean?
It means that something will never happen.
He was "black and blue" after the football game.
What does "black and blue" mean?
This means that someone is covered in bruises.
The picnic will happen "rain or shine!"
This means that the event will happen no matter what the weather is like.
What does "In hot water" mean?
It means to be in a lot of trouble.
My professor said to me, "I'm all ears."
What does "I'm all ears" really mean?
It means "You have my full attention."
You can't teach an old dog new tricks
It's harder for older people to learn new things
My boss told me that this conference would be a "golden opportunity."
What does "golden opportunity" mean?
This means that it was the best time to do something
Don't "fan the flames!"
What does "fan the flames" mean?
This means to make a bad situation worse.