The price of a Nintendo Switch?
What is $299.99
The price of a big-mac?
What is $5.99
The price of an L.O.L Surprise Mermaid.
What is $4.99?
The price of mattress?
What is $149.99?
The price of T-shirt?
What is $3.90?
The price of a PS5?
What is $499.99
The price of an pink drink?
What is 5.64
The price of Elmer's Glue?
What is 10.49?
The price of a glass lamp?
What is $119.99
The price of Nike Blazers?
What is $74.96?
The price of an Apple watch
What is $399.99?
The price of an pack of Izzys?
What is $6.99
The price of a ken doll?
What is $11.99?
The price of a cordaroys bean bag chair?
What is $329.99?
Price of lululemon leggings?
What is $118?
The price of an iPhone 16 pro max?
What is $999
The price of a box of frosted flakes?
What is 3.98
The price of a mini brand ball
What is $5.81?
The price of recliner?
What is $895?
The price of a croc?
What is $49.99?
The price of a printer?
What is $199.99
The price of an gold wrapped steak?
What is $1,000
The price of an Crayola 12 pack colored pencils?
What is 1.99?
The price of a dining set?
What is $2,199?
The price of wedding dress?
What is $159?