This dog is small, with pointy ears. They most commonly come in the colors orange and white. They are best known for their butts.
What is a Corgi?
This dog is very long, and they are small. They are typically brown. They have floppy ears.
What is a Dachshund?
This breed is a fancier dog. They come in a miniature, toy, and standard. They have an assortment of colors, including black, white, and grey.
What is a Poodle?
This breed is medium to large, and known for dog sledding. They can have multicolored eyes. They have black and white fur, with a fringy tail.
What is a Husky/Siberian Husky?
One of the most popular dog breeds. Large in size, their main colors being solid black, solid brown, or solid golden. They are sporting dogs.
What is a Labrador?
This dog is very bouncy. They have a stubby tail and are in the medium to large size range. They have wrinkled faces.
What is a Boxer?
This breed from Japan is a small dog. They are orange and white, and have small, pointy ears. They were used for hunting in the past.
What is a Shiba Inu?
This large dog is the most common detective dogs. They have brown fur with black on their back and around their muzzle. They have pointy ears.
What is a German Shepherd?
One of the smartest dogs in the world, this medium dog is black and white. They have pointy ears. They are popular herding and agility dogs.
What is a Border Collie?
This toy dog is very poofy, and they have pointy ears. Their main colors include cream, white and orange.
What is a Pomeranian?
This breed is medium sized, and white in color. They have poofy white fur, small pointy ears, and a curled tail. They have two layers of fur, which helped them in the cold regions of Siberia, where they were first bred.
What is a Samoyed?
This spaniel is known for their long, curly ears. They commonly come in a golden color. They are on the medium to small side, and they have a stubby tail.
What is a Cocker Spaniel?
These dogs are one of the most common guard dogs. They are tall and skinnier with pointy ears. They are most commonly black and rust.
What is a Dobermann?
This small dog is most commonly white. They have pointy ears and fluffy fur. They are a terrier, and they bark a lot.
What is a Westie/West Highland White Terrier?
This XL dog breed is known for its fluffy black fur, and strong muscles. They are used for water rescue, and can pull up to 6 people at a time!
What is a Newfoundland?
This dog looks similar to a French Bulldog, but they are not as stocky, and have a more slender look. They are most common in the colors black and white.
What is a Boston Terrier?
This dog has long, silky fur. This dog is a toy dog, and they commonly have their fur up in a little bow on the top of their head.
What is a Yorkie/Yorkshire terrier?
This breed is very fluffy, with long silky fur. They are used for herding. They have a skinny face, and a white chest. They are medium dogs.
What is a Collie? (Rough, smooth or scotch)
This terrier is small, and most commonly found with black fur. They have a longer body, with fringy fur at the bottom of their bellies.
What is a Scottish Terrier?
This breed is medium sized. They usually have white chest, and rusty, grey and black colored fur. They can be born with a bobbed tail, or a full length one. They can have light blue eyes. They are used for herding and agility.
What is a Australian Shepherd?
This dog is like a smaller collie. They commonly come in the colors of white, brown and reddish. They are used for agility, and herding.
What is a Sheltie/Shetland Sheepdog?
This terrier is very fancy. Their main colors are tan and grey. They have a poof on the top of their head.
What is a Dandie Dinmont Terrier?
This dog breed is very large. They are similar to Huskies, but they are poofier. They were first bred in Alaska.
What is an Alaskan Malamute?
This dog breed is one of the fluffiest! Their fur makes up a large percentage of their body. They have droopy eyes and are known for their blue-black tongue. Their weight is on the medium side.
What is a Chow Chow?
This medium dog breed is known for herding cattle. They have pointy ears, and their coloration is grey-blue, orange, and black. They were first bred in Australia.
What is an Australian Cattle Dog?