Pop Songs
Christian Songs
Patriotic Songs
Country Songs
Wild Card

The name of the artist who wrote the song "Stronger What Doesn't Kill You."

Who is Kelly Clarkson?


The name of the artist who wrote the song "Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone."

Who is Chris Tomlin?


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea"

What is "America the Beautiful?"


The artist who wrote "God Gave Me You."

Who is Blake Shelton?


The name of the band who wrote the song titled "Mamma Mia."

Who is ABBA?


The name of the band who wrote the song "On Top of the World."

Who is "Imagine Dragons?"


The name of the artist who wrote the song "Word of God Speak."



The name of the song with the following lyrics: "From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans, white with foam."

What is "God Bless America?"


The name of the artist who wrote the song "My Wish."

Who is Rascal Flatts?


The name of the band who wrote the song titled "Let It Be."

Who are "The Beatles?"


The artist who wrote the song with the following lyrics: "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22, everything will be alright if you keep me next to you"

Who is Taylor Swift?


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty, let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice."

What is "How Great Is Our God?"


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "From California to the New York Island, from the Redwood Forest, to the Gulf Stream waters"

What is "This Land Is Your Land?"

The name of the song with the following lyrics: "I hope the days come easy and moments pass slow, and each road leads you where you wanna go."

What is "My Wish?"


The name of the band who wrote the song "Don't Stop Believing."

Who is Journey?


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "I had a dream so big and loud, I jumped so high I touched the clouds, Woah oh oh oh oh."

What is "Best Day Of My Life?"


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "So I will call upon your name, and keep my eyes above the waves when oceans rise. My soul will rest in your embrace, for I am yours and you are mine."

What is "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)?"


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims' pride, from every mountain side, let freedom ring."

What is "My Country 'Tis of Thee?"


The name of the artist who wrote the song "Jesus Take the Wheel."

Who is Carrie Underwood?

The name of the movie that features the song "You've Got A Friend in Me" by Randy Newman.

What is Toy Story?


The name of the artist who wrote the song "You Belong With Me."

Who is Taylor Swift?

The name of the song with the following lyrics: "Light of the world you stepped down into darkness, open my eyes let me see. Beauty that made this heart adore you, hope of a life spent with you"

What is "Here I Am to Worship?"


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea."

What is "God Bless the USA?"


The name of the artist who wrote the songs "Hey Stephen, Love Story, Mine, and Teardrops on My Guitar."

Who is Taylor Swift?


The name of the song with the following lyrics: "It might seem crazy what I'm about to say, sunshine she's here you can take a break, I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space, with the air like I don't care baby by the way" 

What is "Happy?"
