A sport that you have a stick
what is floorball
how old is Bayan?
what is 12?
when did roblox come out?
what is 1 september 2006?
which sport do you have a ball in that is very well known
what is fotball
Does Julia like gold or silver better
What is silver?
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what is 79?
when did fortnite come out?
What is 21 july 2017?
what is the most popular sport in Greece
what is basketball
This is a girl in our class she has brown hair and is kind of tall
What is Emilia?
how old is hedlunda skolan?
What is 66?
what is chicago's most famous food
Chicagos deep dish peperoni pizza
you ride ha horse
What is horseridning?
which fruit is yellow
what is Golden kiwi?