boots, beer, snap
what is mason cross?
baseball, annoying, knee
what is cooper nelson?
blonde, social studies, not on school team
what is presley flannery?
hilarious, “i don’t know this 💩”
what is victoria boyd?
long hair, phineas
what is nolan young?
levi’s friend, social studies, alabama
what is trevor frost?
coopers bsf, blonde, basketball
what is alex vansant
fake, skinny, switches friendgroups
what is ava harris?
very emo, ‘max’
what is madison davis?
what is isaiah mautrin?
has a gf, bsf with mason, mullet
what is dallas watkins?
basketball, terrible qb and kicker, headband
what is jolan harvey?
annoying, follows people around
what is parker hodges?
short hair, very short
what is braelyn carter?
found a school shooter note in 6th grade
what is jackson brown?
science, boots, mullet
what is jacob richie?
annoying, boring, everyone hates him
what is landon parker?
blonde, sweet, bubbly
what is avery templeton?
glasses, crossbody bag
what is maylee lelich
tall, weird, glasses, brown hair
what is logan grimm?
boots, jeans, blonde
what is maddox johnson?
goofy, fruity, strange
what is ethan rowling?
brown hair, talked to landon, flips
what is karris hubble?
social studies, had pink hair at one time
what is izzy fleming?
has been obsessed with me for years on end, passed out on blazing fury, cried because his brother made fun of him for being too scared to ride barnstomer, short
what is nathaniel welch?