I've been bungee jumping and sky diving
Lauren Hailstone
I am learning how to weld
Ember Moffit
I share a birthday with Beethoven
Tauni Shepard
I like to long board
Kate Papa
I have been to 4 different countries
Kayla Park
I got 2nd place in a 5K when I was 7 years old
Hailey Park
I was a guest of honor at an Aces game
Ella Park
I like to snowboard
Evelyn Fischer
I have never been out of the country
Lauren Shepard
I have been in 7 different musicals
Sami Pugmire
I don't wash my makeup of before bed every night (a habit I want to change!)
Ashlie Miller
I love Takis
I'm afraid of swimming in the ocean
Summer Magdaluyo
I used to play the viola
Addi Swainston
I've had a cast twice in my life
Audrey Parlade
My favorite movie is How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days
Kate Dye
I love to ski
Taylor Duff
I'll start a book/audiobook but never finish it
Liv Papa
I was born with 3 kidneys
Taylor Nassiri
Elle Papa