What is the beginning sound of the word tip?
Clue: children imitate watching tennis, moving heads side to side saying t,t,t
Clue: act as if panting after a race:hold had to mouth and say h,h,h
What is the beginning sound of the word fun?
Clue: place one hand above the other and push them together gently, as if a toy fish is deflating, saying fffff
What is the beginning sound of the word man?
Clue: rub tummy, as if you see tasty food, and say mmmmm
What is the beginning sound of the word pan?
Clue: hold up index finger, pretending it is a lit candle, and imagine you are blowing it out by saying p,p,p
What is the beginning sound of the word cat?
Clue: raise hands and snap fingers, as if playing castanets, saying k,k,k
What is the beginning sound of the word bun?
Clue: Place hands together , as if batting away a cricket ball, and say b,b,b.
What is the beginning sound of the word can?
clue: raise hands and snap fingers, as if playing castanets, saying k,k,k
What is the beginning sound of the word sip?
Clue: Weave hand like a snake, making s shapes while saying ssssss
What is the beginning sound of the word run?
Clue: pretend to be a puppy pulling a rag in it’s teeth. Keep teeth closed, shake head and say rrrrr
What is the beginning sound of the word bat?
Clue: place hands together , as if batting away a cricket ball, and say b,b,b
What is the beginning sound of the word rat?
Clue :pretend to be a puppy pulling a rag in it’s teeth. Keep teeth closed, shake head and say rrrrr
What is the beginning sound of the word hat?
Clue: act as if panting after a race: hold had to mouth and say h,h,h
What is the beginning sound of the word mat?
Clue: rub tummy, as if you see tasty food, and say mmmmm
What is the beginning sound of the word tin?
Clue : children imitate watching tennis, moving heads side to side saying t,t,t