I am small I need water to survive I can't snuggle or cuddle I can swim very well and I am gold. What am I?
I'm a goldfish🐠. Blub! Blub! Blub!
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I'm a poodle🐩. Woof!
I am big and scary I have big teeth and I am not your average cat. What am I?
I'm a lion🦁. Roar!
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I'm America!
I get really hot in the summer and a little cold in the winter and I rarly get snow it's cold when it snow's but then it get's warm again. Who am I?
I'm Californa!
I am big and sssscary I can sssswallow you whole and hold you tight. What am I?
I'm a anaconda🐍. Sssssss!
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I'm a anchovy🐟. Blub! Blub! Blub!
I am small and you can find me in the coldest habbitat in the zoo I am black and white too. What am I?
I'm a penguin🐧. Squak!
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I'm China!
I'm cold in the winter it's rare if I get snow I can reach temature's over one hundred degree's farenhight in the summer. Who am I?
I'm Arizona!
I am big and live in the ocean I have an enormouse jaw and big sharp teeth. What am I?
I'm a shark🦈. Grrrrrrr!
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I'm a black labradoor🐩. Woof!
I'm not a dog I'm not a cat I'm big and scary and I live in the forest. What am I?
I'm a bear🐻. Roar!
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I'm Africa!
I'm almost a negative zero degree's farenhight in the summer and the winter and I'm almost as big as the United State's of America. Who am I?
I'm Alaska!
I am big and not your avrage pet I have a trunk and big ears I am grey and you can find me in Asia, Affrica, and the zoo. What am I?
I'm a elephant🐘. Toooot!
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I'm a black cat🐈⬛. Meow!
I'm spotted and have a long neck. What am I?
I'm a giraffe🦒. Wisp!
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I'm Israel!
I make some good chicken some eat me alot I make a delicious dish. Who am I?
I'm Kentuky!
I'm orange and I have stripe's I have small teeth when I'm a baby. What am I?
I'm a taby cat🐱. Meow!
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I'm a tiger🐅. Grrrrrrrrr!
I am black and white I am striped and I graze on the grass all day. What am I?
I'm a zebra🦓. Bray!
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I'm France!
I'm the smallest state in the country. Who am I?
I'm Rhode Island!