"Meeting any and all guests' needs in the way they want and expect them to be met" is the definition of?
Outstanding Guest Service
Customer service reps should be giving guests not only the service they expect, but also service that exceeds their expectations during every single customer interaction- True or False?
What are some techniques that employees should always use when providing outstanding guest service?
Give your immediate and undivided attention, greet guests warmly, listen closely to guests (active listening), be polite, take care of the guests needs, use guests' names, maintain eye contact, always look at the situation from the guest's point of view (empathy), and ask if there is anything else you can do for the customer as you're closing out the CS experience.
Complaints from guests who feel rude or tactless employees have insulted them is what type of complaint?
Who should always be striving for compliments, rewards, incentives, great reviews and even pay increases at their place of employment?
Name one way employees can help prevent their personal lives from affecting the quality of guest service that they provide.
Take time to relax and breathe if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, think before acting or speaking, ask to speak with your supervisor so they're at least somewhat aware of what you're going through, and try to stay positive and focus on the tasks at hand as a distraction.
Name some things hotel employees should do when serving guests with disabilities.
Speak directly to the guest; never the companion instead, let the guest set the pace of the conversation, ask how you can help them and know when to back off if they say they don't need assistance, show consideration for the extra time it may take for a guest with a disability to say things or get things done, and TREAT THEM JUST LIKE ANY OTHER GUEST!
Guest complaints related to service problems such as long wait times, food and beverage quality problems or ignored requests are what type of complaint?
Guest service related
Consumers who stay at hotels are called?
Whose perspective should be used to measure guest service?
The guests
How should money be handed to guests with a visual impairment?
Separate the money into denominations and count the bills and change *out loud* directly into their hand.
Which Golden Opportunity consists of making sure you're tailoring your approach to each and every individual customer?
"Worthy of imitation, a model of behaviour" is a definition of?
List one tip lodging employees should use when serving international guests.
Speak at a normal volume, slowly and clearly, refer to the guests are international guests and not foreigners, address them with courtesy titles or their last names, inform them of available services such as language services and currency exchanges.
Having repeat guests, a great reputation, and high occupancy rates all benefit The ________?
_______ is what each employee should feel about their physical appearance at work each day, the level of service they provide on a consistent basis, and themselves in general when they know they're performing their duties to the fullest.
Name a type of guest who may require further accommodations.
Guests with disabilities, senior citizens, non-English speaking/international guests.
Guest complaints that employees have no control over such as the weather is what type of complaint?