Early Bird.....
Gets the worm
How To Start a Convo?
Come sit with me/us!
I like how you......
Give a compliment
Ask a question
Explain your answer
Hallway Expectations
The zone for sadness
Blue Zone
Don't Cry Over....
Spilt milk
What says hello without words
Head nod
Eye contact
Gesture to join the group
Sore Loser Friends-What do you do?
List 2 expectations
Zone for silly
Yellow Zone
You can't teach an old dog
New Tricks
Be friends with everyone
False. But you must be kind and respectful always
You are not included at recess
What do you do?
List 2 expectations
Zone for bored
Blue Zone
You can't judge a book by it's
How is it a good thing to have friends that are different than you?
School Conflict Go-To Peeps
Teacher (first)
Mrs Apley
Mrs Grant
Mr Gordon
__________(Who do you go too?)
What does S.O.A.R mean?
Safe, Organized, Accountable, Responsible
Zone for anger
Red Zone
A friend in need is a
Friend indeed
Define Friendship
Friendship is a close relationship between two or more people who care about and support each other. It is built on trust, honesty, and mutual respect. Friends often share common interests and experiences, and enjoy spending time together.
Name a way to make it stop
Classmate Shout out
Share a time a friend impressed you as they S.O.A.Rd
Zone for ready to learn
Green Zone