Academic Success
Communication Skills
What are two positive classroom behaviors?
Raise your hand, participate, ask questions, follow along, sit quietly, etc.
If you are getting bullied, what should you do? Hint: R __ __ __ __ __!
What is the difference between tattling and reporting?
Tattling is when you try to get someone in trouble. Reporting is when you are trying to get someone out of trouble.
When learning about careers, what are career tools?
Career tools are the tools that an individual would use to complete the career task. For example, a teacher's tools would be a smart board, books, pencils, etc. A carpenter's tools would be hammer, nails, ruler, etc.
What does a stranger look like?
A person you do not know. A stranger looks like anyone.
What are two strategies to use if you missed the directions from the teacher?
Look to classmates for the answer, ask the teacher to repeat the directions, etc.
What is the definition of bullying?
Bullying is when someone KEEPS being MEAN, OVER and OVER. The person it is happening to HASN'T BEEN ABLE TO MAKE IT STOP. It is UNFAIR and ONE-SIDED.
What is a point of view?
Point of view is how you see/understand something to be true. People can have the same points of view or different points of view on any particular topic.
How do careers fit into a community?
A community needs a variety of careers to function. A community could not function without a variety of careers. For example, if we had a community comprised of only doctors there would be no one to teach, no snow plow drivers, no entrepreneurs.
In bus safety, where are the danger zones?
The danger zones are anywhere around the bus within 5 feet. It is most dangerous in the front, back, or the sides of the bus. The safest spot to stand is 5 feet away from the bus by the door.
What does the word prioritize mean?
Make a list of priorities and put the most important task at the top of the list to get completed first with the least important task at the bottom. Related to academic success, studying for the test tomorrow is a bigger priority than finishing the project due in three days.
What is the difference between someone being mean and someone being a bully?
Someone being means happens once or twice. It may be accidental or on purpose. You might be able to make the meanness stop. A bully is when someone is being mean over and over. The person it is happening to can't make it stop.
What is the outline/structure for an I message?
I feel __________ (feeling word) when you ____________ (action).
What is a salary?
The amount of money a person makes per year.
In personal safety, what are three types of touches?
A safe touch, an unsafe touch, and an unwanted.
What is a wanted task, a scheduled task, and an unscheduled task?
Wanted task= A task that you want to do but does not need to get done. Scheduled task= A task that you must do and needs to be completed at a certain time. Unscheduled task= A task that you must do but does not need to be completed at a certain time.
What are three types of bullying?
Verbal, physical, exclusion, cyber.
What is a thinking error?
A thinking error is thinking about something with a negative perspective or looking at something the wrong way. For example, dark glasses means you are only seeing the negative side of something.
What is a career cluster?
Grouped careers with similarities.
What are two things you should do if you find something unsafe on the playground (or anywhere!)
1. Stop! 2. Get an adult! Remember Eddie Eagle- Stop! Don't touch! Leave the area! Tell an adult!
Dear Sassy, When I take multiple choice tests I always get confused on which answer is correct. How can I use the process of elimination to help me? Signed, Confused!
The process of elimination means eliminating (or getting rid of) the answers that you know are not correct first. From there try to determine the correct answer. Hint: Look for the answer in other questions. Don't over think it!
What is cyber bullying?
Bullying another person using electronic devices.
What does empathy mean?
Understanding how another person is feeling. Putting yourself in their "shoes". (Ooo these shoes feel nice.)
How many years does it take to get your associates degree AND how many years does it take to get your bachelors degree?
Associates degree= 2 years Bachelors degree= 4 years
What are two safety tips to use while online?
1. Don't give out your personal information 2. Never share your address 3. Don't bully online 4. Only communicate with people you know 5. Go to safe sites