Zones of Regulation
About Mrs. Robuck and School Counseling
Coping Skills

What are the 4 zone colors?

Green, Red, Yellow, and Blue


Someone is feeling sad. How can you help them and show empathy?

Give them a hug, ask what's wrong, listen to them, etc.


Who is your school counselor?

Mrs. Robuck!


Which zones require coping skills (calm down skills)?

Red, Yellow, and Blue


What does BOO stand for in bullying?

Being mean

On Purpose

Over and Over Again


What is the red zone about?

Feeling mad, out of control, irate, feeling hot, fists, yelling, screaming, etc.


A classmate is alone at recess and no one wants to play with them. What can you do to show empathy and help them?

Ask them to play with you and your friends; Make up a new game together; Walk and talk with them


If you tell someone you want to hurt yourself or others, does Mrs. Robuck keep that a secret?

No. Mrs. Robuck has to tell someone (parent, guardian, principal, nurse, or assistant principal) if you are planning to hurt someone or yourself so that she can keep you and others safe. 


What is a coping skill you can use if you are in the blue zone?

Take a nap, get some water, do a quick exercise, talk about it, etc. 


What should you do if you see bullying happening?

Tell a trusted adult; Don't join in; Be a kind person and separate the victim (target) from the situation


You have to sit with Mrs. Braune for lunch detention because you made a bad choice at school. 

What zone might you be in?

Blue or Red


Your teacher is getting really stressed out because students are not listening or following directions. How can you show empathy and help the situation?

Follow directions; Have a quiet and calm body; Let your neighbors know that your teacher is getting stressed and encourage them to make good choices; etc.


What does Mrs. Robuck talk to students about?

Feelings, Family changes, Attendance, Study skills, Careers, Friendships, etc.


What is a coping skill you can use if the yellow zone?

Talk about it, Write about it; Listen to music; Deep breathing; Tense and Relax; 5-4-3-2-1 Calming down strategy; etc.


What should you do if you are being bullied?

Tell a trusted adult; Don't fight back; Don't bully back; Stay calm


What is the yellow zone about (you have to give BOTH feelings for full points)?

Nervous, scared, worried, racing heart

Excited, jumpy, hyper, silly, wiggly, racing heart


You notice that a classmate is having a tough time understanding an assignment. Your teacher allows for a low level talking voice during a worksheet. How can you help your classmate?

Give them encouragement; Help them solve the problem in a calm way; Help them take some deep breaths; etc.


If Mrs. Robuck pulls you out of class to talk to you, are you in trouble?

NO! Mrs. Robuck might talk to you about what got you in trouble, and about your feelings when you made a poor choice, but Mrs. Robuck is not a person you see when you are in trouble. 


Before you get to the red zone, your body gives you warning signs. What are some of those warning signs? (i.e. What happens to your body before you lose control?)

Feeling hot; Heavy breathing; Clenching jaw; Frown; Squitted eyebrows; Head down; Heart racing; etc.


What are the 4 types of bullying?

Social, Verbal, Cyber, and Physical


How can you help someone get to the green zone?

Write a nice note, give a compliment, play with them at recess, give them a hug, etc.


Role play: Show the class a short skit showing an example of kindness/empathy

Role Play


What do you need to do if you want to talk to Mrs. Robuck?

Talk to your teacher, fill out the "Talk to Mrs. Robuck" form on Google Classroom.


Who can you talk to if you are in the blue, yellow, or red zones?

Teachers, Parents/Guardians, Sisters/Brothers, Friends, Mrs. Robuck, Mrs. Ursula Jones, etc.


Give an example of cyber bullying

Sending mean texts, Posting mean pictures; Commenting rude things; Sending mean videos; Excluding from online gaming; etc.
