Relationships, relationships, relationships. Trust, mutual respect, non-hierarchal structure used at VMS to create and maintain relationships with students.
What is rapport?
My classroom blinds are broken. Or.. I have a blinking light in my classroom that needs repair.
Who is Brian Counselman?
I've received an email from a dissatisfied parent and I'm unsure of how to respond, if to respond, when to respond.
Who is your Division Director?
Your projector in your classroom isn't working. What PLATFORM do you use to get help?
What is MOJO Help Desk on the EMPLOYEE Portal.
I have morning carpool duty. I should be in the parking lot, greeting students and families at this time.
When is 7:45 am?
A system a teacher sets in their classroom that keeps order, allows for predictability and consistency, and keeps the classroom running efficiently and respectfully.
What is classroom management?
For MS and US teachers - you have a question on our Schoology Gradebook. For LS Teachers - you need to renew software on your iPads.
Who is Kelly Enright?
You want your Division Director to "be aware" of a communication. You do not need the Division Director chime in. But you don't want to set the parents' hair on fire by including the division direction. You should....
When should you BCC the Division Director?
When in the daily schedule when I may have additional SUPERVISION responsibilities....HINT: answer isn't the actual time
When is morning break, lunch, recess, carpool?
What is a medium offensive? What is repetitive behavior?
I have a student who is dealing with grief, and showing concerning signs of declining mood.
Who are Kate Drescher or Mike Santambrogio?
A MS/ US student plagiarized their paper, which is major assignment in my class.
Who is the US/ MS Dean?
When I can "friend" or follow a student at VMS on social media.
When a student graduates from VMS.
Week 2 Fridays, I will work with a team of teachers/ staff members to plan for a cross age activity to provide a sense of belonging and community.
What is House?
A time where teachers gather to specifically discuss student behavior and student academic concerns and hopefully have a chance to write a positive email to a family.
I want to put more money aside for retirement.
Who is Sallie Lodewyck?
I would like to purchase a set of new books. (HINT this is different in LS than it is in MS/ US)
For MS/ US: Who is the Department Chair?
You wake up and you're ill and cannot come to school. Next THREE Steps are:
1. Text and Email Shawn (building sub) and Sallie (HR) and your Division Director.
2. Write and email sub plans to building sub
3. Be back in touch with all three people mentioned above before 1 pm to inform them if you'll be back the next day.
I'm a homebase teacher. I'm taking daily attendance. Ricky isn't present because he has a dentist appointment. He will be at school by 10:30 or so. I will mark Ricky as.....
Only AFTER the student/ teacher has completed the Boundaries Google Form, WHO then takes this very important step?
When does the Classroom Teacher initiate contact with the parents of the student?
I want to show/ tell something that is really exciting that's happening in my class - and make it public on social media.
Who Ruth Worden, Director of Communications and Marketing?
I eagerly signed my contract/ agreement for Employment in February. In April, I have now realized I cannot work at VMS next year. It's very sad.
Who is the Head of School?
FOUR VERY SPECIFIC ways to communicate with a VMS parent.
What are using my VMS LANDLINE to make a phone call, using my VMS email, or meeting in person AT VMS, or a virtual meeting via a VMS Google Meet.
In order for ski days to achieve all we want them to: build community, enjoy our outdoors, make new friends, build rapport, and for all needs to be met - support of non skiers, moving equipment, transporting teachers, planning the alternate activity, VMS needs what resource?