Culture & Society, Cantha
How It All Works (3)
All Skilled Up (3)
Concept Art & Loading Screens
Guild Halls

A gang of notorious villains who attack travelers at will around the Kaineng City, they are sworn enemies of the Jade Brotherhood.

Who are the Am Fah?


Warriors build it up during combat, which allows them to use specific skills. It is gained every time a Warrior successfully lands an attack on an opponent, or when harmed by enemy attacks.

What is Adrenaline?


Avatar of Balthazaar and Ursan Blessing are this type of skill.

What is a form?


This concept art called "Crescent Island" depicts a particular fortress located in southern Kourna.

What is Gandara, the Moon Fortress?


Killing this NPC is the main objective of a Guild vs Guild battle.

What is a Guild Lord?


One of the many ministries of the Canthan empire, they have tasked themselves with cleansing the Afflicted since 1077 AE. It was founded by Minister Reiko Murakami after the return of Shiro Tagachi and the initial plague he caused.

What is the Ministry of Purity?


A doublecast skill is a type of spell that casts on you as well as your target. There are only 5 doublecast skills in the game. Stone Sheathe, Mirror of Ice, Gust, Energy Boon and blank.

What is Double Dragon?


Daily Double

Elite Shout. Allies in earshot lose the Crippled condition. For 5...11...13 seconds, these allies move 33% faster.

What is "Charge!".


A very early piece of concept art for this character profession. 


What is an Assassin?


This NPC will allow you to unlock skills, weapon components, and runes for your account in exchange for Balthazar faction.

What is a Priest of Balthazaar?


They were once normal Luxons who "dug too deep in the Jade and went mad". In truth, they encountered Kanaxai in The Deep and have been corrupted by his influence.

What are Outcasts?


This profession is unique in that it has 30 base energy, but only +2 base energy regeneration.

What is a Paragon?


If you're casting a ritual, it's either going to be an Ebon Vanguard ritual, a binding ritual, or blank.

What is a Nature Ritual?


If you're seeing this loading screen, it's because you're probably in this appropriately named region of Tyria.

What are the Depths of Tyria?


This guild hall has a Shing Jea Island theme to it.

What is the Isle of Meditation?


They are the spiritual leaders of the Kurzick society in Cantha. They are often found giving sermons to the public and nobles. They also provide guidance to the Council of Nobles through divinations with the gods and ancestors.

What are Redemptors?


This type of currency or faction was added years after the release of Guild Wars: Factions, and is the fourth faction type after Balthazaar, Luxon, and Kurzick faction.

What is Imperial Faction?


Daily Double

Elite Skill. Projectile: deals 400 earth damage and causes knock-down. Cannot be used on nearby foes.

What is Junundu Siege?


Who or what is that?!


What is a Charr Effigy?


If you want a crafting material trader in your guild hall, it's going to cost you x amount of platinum.

What is 100 platinum?


Alua, Elora, and Ione are the three demi-goddesses of the Luxon people, collectively referred to as blank.

What are the Three Queens?


Zones within towns and outposts, such as America 1, Europe 1 and International.

What are Districts?


The only elementalist ward spell that doesn't contain the word ward in its name.


What is Tenai's Heat?


It has been too quiet lately. Go past the wall and find Bonfaaz and his army. Try to find out what they are up to. 

What is The Great Northern Wall?


In order to create a guild, you'll need to trade one of these to a Canthan ambassador who can be found in most of the game's major outposts.

What is a Celestial Cigil?
