This is the liturgical color for the season we are currently in.
What is purple?
The word "bible" comes from a Greek word that means this ____________.
What is "books"?
After the death of Joseph, the Israelites grew so numerous that they were forced into slavery by these people.
Who were the Egyptians?
Or who was Pharaoh (the leader of the Egyptians)?
From the good example of some Old Testament "titans," tonight's lesson taught us that in times of darkness we should do this.
What is put God first?
(Or similar answer)
These are the three pillars, or practices, of Lent.
What are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving?
This is the number of days in the Lenten season.
What is 40?
This is the number of books in the Catholic Bible.
What is 73?
(Includes 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.)
After Solomon died, fighting among the Israelites caused the nation of Israel to split into this number of kingdoms.
What is two?
God sent this man to free the Israelites from the bondage of Pharaoh in Egypt.
Who was Moses?
The ashes applied to our foreheads on Ash Wednesday come from burning these.
What are the palms given out at the previous Palm Sunday Mass?
In Mass, this acclamation that typically comes before the Gospel is not sung during Lent.
What is the Alleluia?
In the Book of Daniel, we read that God saved Daniel from the lions in the den by sending this.
What is an angel (who shut the mouths of the lions)?
During the time of Daniel, this group of people captured the Israelites and forced them into exile.
Who were the Babylonians?
God sent people, such as Daniel, to speak for Him and redirect the Israelites when they forgot His ways. These people were called ___________.
Who were prophets?
These are the two official days of fasting during Lent.
What is Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
In this past Sunday's Gospel reading, the devil tempted Jesus this number of times.
What is three?
In the Book of Ezra, we read about this being built in Jerusalem, which was a sign of the prayer life of the Israelites being restored.
What was the second Jewish temple?
This king had Daniel thrown into a lion's den when Daniel was caught praying to the One True God.
Who was King Darius?
This Persian king had a change of heart and allowed the captive Israelites in the time of Daniel to return to the Promised Land.
Who was King Cyrus?
This is this number of stations that are traditionally prayed during Stations of the Cross (not counting the Resurrection).
What is 14?
The number of days of Lent is associated with this event in the life of Jesus.
The word "Maccabees" means this.
What is "hammer"?
The Maccabees were forced to fight these people when they invaded Jerusalem.
Who were the Greeks?
This was the name of the leader of the Maccabees who refused to burn incense in worship of false gods.
Who was Mattathias?
These are the words of the prayer that was prayed over us as ashes were applied to our foreheads on Ash Wednesday.
What is "remember you are dust and to dust you shall return"?