The Guillotine was a device to exeucte people by be- heading them
What year was the Guillotine created
What was a symbol of the Guillotine
Justice and Equailty
What was The reign of Terror?
The Reing of terror was a timeline using the Guillotine to execute people that stood in the Gov't way during the revolution.
What year did the Reign of terror start
What was a symbol of the Reign of terror
Justice and Equailty
What was the guillotines nickname
The National Razor
What year did the Reign of terror end
What symbol was later the reign of terror
Fear and Oppresion
Who was the main guy exucted during the Reign of terror?
How many people were killed during the Regin of terror
17'000 plus
Why was the Guillotine a sign of Justice and Equailty
It was a symbol of Justice and Equailty because it was a exuction method for all social classes and you could not be above the Guillotine
Who created the Guillotine?
Dr Joseph-Ignace Guillotin
When was the last time the Guillotine was used
Why were people scared of the Reign of terror
People were scared because they would just go around Chopping peoples heads off