Appositive Phrases
Correct or Not? and Why...

Can a semicolon connect an independent and dependent clause?



Is this sentence an appositive phrase?

"My friend Daphne loves to bake."

Yes. Although there are no commas, they aren't needed because the sentence is already stating who Daphne is.


What is usage?

The way words are used and conjugated in a sentence to be grammatically correct.


What is grammar?

A set of rules that is required to follow in order to structure a sentence properly. 


This phrase a necessary appositive phrase

Tom and I's favorite movie, Spider-Man, is very action packed.



Is the word following a semicolon always capitalized?

No, unless it is a pronoun (ex. I, Barbra)


What could be changed about this phrase to be written correctly?

The author Jane Austin wrote Pride and Prejudice.

"The author, Jane Austin, wrote Pride and Prejudice."


What literary device is usage similar to?



Is this sentence grammatically correct?

I gave them there papers back.

No. It should be "their".


This sentence consists of two independent clauses

I have an important interview for school tomorrow; I can't go out to the party tonight.



Is this phrase using a semicolon correctly? If not what is the correct phrase?

"I have a meeting at 9am; so I need to leave the house at 8:15am."

No, and the correct phrase is "I have a meeting at 9am; I need to leave the house at 8:15am."


What parts of speech does appositive phrases focus on?

Nouns and pronouns


Is this sentence written correctly?

I seen her before, but yesterday was the first time I saw her at school.

No, the correct usage would be "I saw her...".


Is this sentence grammatically correct?

We never go too the park on the weekdays, only the weekend.

No it is not correct. It should be "go to the park--" 

to - typically expresses direction (He is taking us on a trip to New York.)

too - used descriptively (ex. She is too excited.)


Is this sentence an appositive phrase?

John has a club meeting at 4 pm after school; so he needs to prepare for his presentation

No because a conjugation should not come after a semicolon. There is also an independent and dependent clause.


What can a semicolon be used for?

Linking two independent clauses or making a series?


Is this sentence a necessary or unnecessary appositive phrase?

My brother, who is generous at times, bought me chips from Walmart.



Traveling to new places has ____ its positive and negative points.

a) none of the answer choices

b) both

c) also

d) either

b) both


What parts of speech are the words in the following segment of a sentence?

Kaitlyn, Devine, and Daphne

Noun, Noun, Conjunction, Noun


Is this semi colon sentence written correctly?

When packing for a beach trip, you need to pack the essentials; For example, sunscreen, towels, and glasses.

Incorrectly, the word following the sentence should not be capitalized.


Where would the semicolons go to say this phrase correctly?

"I love to watch movies like US my favorite horror, Grown Ups my favorite comedy, and the Notebook my favorite romance."

"I love to watch movies like US, my favorite horror; Grown Ups, my favorite comedy; and The Notebook, my favorite romance."


When is a comma required in an appositive phrase?

When an appositive phrase comes after a more specific noun


You ______ have seen Jane at the mall! She is in Canada right now.

a) should not

b) would not

c) must not

d) could not

d) could not


Does this sentence successfully use a semicolon to separate a series?

The group was made up of 10 people; 8 were determined, but the other 2 were doubtful.

No. There isn't a series present in the sentence for the semicolon to separate. 


Which sentence uses a semicolon correctly to form a series?

a. I love to watch TV shows like; the Office, a comedy; Dragon Ball Z, an anime; and Spongebob Squarepants, a cartoon.

b. I love to watch TV shows like; the Office, a comedy, Dragon Ball Z, an anime, and Spongebob Squarepants, a cartoon.

c. I love to watch TV shows like the Office; a comedy, Dragon Ball Z; an anime, and Spongebob Squarepants; a cartoon.

d. I love to watch TV shows like the Office, a comedy; Dragon Ball Z, an anime; and Spongebob Squarepants, a cartoon.

d. I love to watch TV shows like the Office, a comedy; Dragon Ball Z, an anime; and Spongebob Squarepants, a cartoon.
