Day, month, and year Gunjan was born
February 13, 1981
Gunjan's favorite non-bollywood celebrity crush
Nick Lachey
He was the President, this year!
Ronald Reagan
Gunjan's strongest talent
Biren Prasad
Year Gunjan started dating Sandeep
October 6th 2000
What was Gunjan's favorite TV show in 2007
Keeping up with the Kardashians
This major virus was identified this year!
AIDS virus
Gunjan's childhood friend (from elementary to high school)
Amber Ahmed (her neighbor)
This person was friend's with Chirag's brother before Rosalie knew him
Sonya Kella
The city Gunjan first met Sandeep
Troy, Michigan
Year did Gunjan discovered Aamir Khan
This Famous NASA space shuttle mission took place this year!
Space Shuttle Columbia
Gunjan's prom date (First and Last name)
Avinash Raizaida
Other than Gunjan, these people attended both the Ellen show and Oprah show:
Sima & Rosalie
Day, month, and year Gunjan and Sandeep got married
June 9, 2007
Gunjan's favorite bollywood actress
Aishwariya Rai
This famous singer was born this year!
Brittany Spears
Gunjan's favorite sport in high school
This person played badminton for 1.5 years
Aanav Patel
Day, month, and year Gunjan graduated from Dental School
May 4, 2007
# of day time talk shows Gunjan has attended:
2-5, 5-7, 7-10, 10+
Oprah - 1
Kelly and Regis - w palak and ? 3
View w palak? 1 more?
ellen twice
Jay Leno (1 or 2?) 2
Criag Killborn show - 1
Good morning America - 1
This Famous international wedding took place in this year!
Lady Diana and Prince Charles
First thing Gunjan does when she gets to a hotel
Asks/looks for Spa Shoes
This was the reason of Gunjan biggest fight during her college years (name that person for double points)
Remote-gate - Chirag
lil globglogabgalab