The Empire the Ottomans took over in 1453 (with their gunpowder)
Byzantine Empire
The branch of Islam practiced
The founder of the Mughal Empire
Constantinople was later renamed this
Due to Quran's request to care for the sick and needy, Muslims around the world built
Hospitals with the best knowledge combining Christian, Jewish, and Muslim scholars knowledge.
Title for Ottoman Rulers
The title for Safavid rulers
Location of Mughal Empire, and where they came from
Came from Central Asia
The main rivals to the Safavid Empire
the Ottomans
What discovery allowed Muslims to better calculate the direction of Mecca for prayers
Understanding of astronomy (stars to calculate directions)
The most powerful emperor who ruled at the height of the Ottoman rule
Suleyman I
The Magnificent, The Law Giver
Capital city of the Empire
Most celebrated Mughal ruler
Akbar the Great
Which empire constructed the Taj Mahal
He created a 30 volume medical encyclopedia in Al-andalus
al- Zahrawi
Groups of highly trained disciplined soldiers who received the best equipment and benefits/ where they came from
2 part question
Jannisaries/ non-Muslim villages
The most celebrated ruler of the Safavids
Shah Abbas I
The name of the Shah who had the Taj Mahal constructed for his favorite wife who died at a young age....
Shah Jahan
Which Muslim empire was known for creating a cultural center which sold beautiful textiles, carpets, and other products.
He was a physician and a philosopher who studied and detailed the accounts of Plato and Aristotle while blending them with Islam
Ibn Rushd
Describe the role of Women in the Ottoman Empire
Upper and Lower Classes
Women led more restricted lives than men
Lower class women had more access in public areas than upper class woman
Upper class women were often kept isolated from the outside world. They used their wealth to promote art, architecture and charitable causes.
Modern Day country where Safavid empire ruled
Both capitals of the Mughal Empire
The three continents that the Ottoman Empire spanned over and the weapon they used to bring down the former empire...
Europe, Africa, Asia
Founder of the Ottoman Empire
Sultan Osman the 1st