How old was Gurbani when she first joined Sea Cadets?
What are 11 years?
How many north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue?
What is Gurbani's favorite color?
What is sage green?
What is Gurbani's star sign?
What is Sagittarius?
When is North's choir winter concert?
How long does it take for Gurbani to get her division?
What are 22 minutes?
Where is a shrimp's heart?
What is a head?
When is my birthday?
What is December 2nd?
What is Saggitarius?
What is a centaur/archer?
What is the play for North?
What is Annie?
What division does Gurbani belong to?
What is Dempster division?
True or False? Pigs can look up at the sky.
What is Gurbani's favorite food?
(Trick question)
What is everything?
What are the dates that you can be qualified for being a Sagittarius?
What is November 23 to December 21?
Who was the director for Encanto?
Who was Lin Manuel Miranda?
How many years has Gurbani gone for Sea Cadets?
What is 11 months?
What are 230 times per second?
What is too many to ever count?
What is the second-rarest sign?
What is the "slang" term for throwing something across the room?
What is yeet?
What rank is Gurbani in Sea Cadets?
What is a Seaman Apprentice?
what are eyes, hips, arms, legs, ears, toes, jaws, ribs, lips, gums?
What was my favorite animal during camp? (3 possible answers)
What is the best star sign?
What time does Gurbani usually wake up at?
When is 7:15?