This will crack and deepen during puberty
You may experience this if your friends try to convince you to try something you don't want to try
Peer pressure
"Liking the same things" and "taking care of each other" is an example of this.
Relational Aspects
Girls are socialized to respond to this by "shrinking" and repressing their feelings. Boys are socialized to respond with violence/aggression.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism are all examples of this
These will be stronger and more intense during puberty due to hormonal changes
Who could help you if you were struggling with substance overuse/abuse?
Parent/guardian/teacher/principal/doctor/guidance counsellor/social worker/SchoolsPlus staff/parent of a friend/etc.
During puberty, you may start spending less time with these people.
Your parents/guardians
Gender stereotypes start to affect us during this period in our development.
In utero/before we are even born!
This describes how a person presents themselves in relation to their gender identity
Gender expression
This organ will double in size during puberty
The heart
This could be either physical or psychological -- or both!
During puberty, you may become more interested in spending time with these people.
Friends and/or romantic partner
Teaching and following gender stereotypes is part of a process called this, and continues from childhood into adulthood.
Religion, culture and experiences are all things that can affect these personal beliefs.
When these TWO things meet, fertilisation occurs
Sperm and egg
You are inhaling this if you use a vape
How we respond to this emotion can have significant impacts on our relationships with others.
Not everyone fits into the boxes of "boy" and "girl". Gender exists on a __________.
Using inclusive language is one way we can embrace this.
This starts to produce more oil during in puberty, sometimes resulting in acne
You can be addicted to things you do not ingest. What is one of these things?
Video games, gambling, shopping, etc.
Seeking this can be very difficult for some. It is important to know who you can go to if you need it.
Whether you conform with gender stereotypes or not has nothing to do with this, and does not make you any less of a boy or girl. We can express our gender in many different ways!
Gender identity
If you are uncomfortable with doing something, it is important you set this.
A boundary