Smartie Pants
Who Ya
Gonna Call?
Here's the 4-1-1
"I'm lost!"
Overheard in DC
Pride of Place

This resource sets students up with course-specific peer tutoring. 

What is Academic Commons?


These two offices on campus are confidential resources for all GW students. 

What are Student Health Center and the Office for Advocacy & Support?


This signature program at GW provides a series of events for students to connect with the broader community. 

What is Weeks of Welcome?


This office located currently in the Hillel building can connect students with service opportunities on campus and around DC. 

What is the Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement?


This program provides full time GW students with unlimited Metrorail and Metrobus access. 

What is UPass?


This auditorium is the second biggest performing arts space behind the Kennedy Center in DC. 

What is Lisner Auditorium?


This library allows for all GW students to sign up for a group study room for a maximum of 2 hours per day. 

What is Gelman Library?


This team of clinically-trained professionals are ready to respond for crisis counseling, safety planning, and emotional support following a sexual misconduct concern. 

What is the Sexual Assault and Intimate Violence (SAIV) Hotline?


This portal can be used to highlight any specific facilities related concerns. 

What is FixIt?


During these hours, students can meet with a clinician in the Counseling Center on the Ground Floor of the USC without a prior appointment. 

What is 12PM to 4PM? 


This program offers first-year students the opportunity to connect with activities and events around DC. 

What is District Connections?


This current President walked through the Foggy Bottom campus to speak with the GW community in 2018. 

Who is Emmanuel Macron?


This staffing group can help students with class registration, understanding graduation requirements, and navigating academic policies. 

What are Academic Advisors?


Students on campus are encouraged to call what staff member for emergency concerns in their residence halls. 

Who is an Administrator on Call?


This platform serves as the gateway to all GW student organizations and events on campus. 

What is Engage?


This Hub provides personalized for students looking for class registration help, and loan and payment plan support. 

What is the Student Services Hub?


This public transit option connects DC residents with the city for a flat fee of $1.

What is the Circulator?


This European city houses the twin of the George Washington Statue found in University Yard. 

What is London?


This information system provides access for student account management, financial aid communication, and course registration. 

What is GWeb?


This number will connect you with both GWPD and EMERG. 

What is 202-994-6111?

These two Codes informs students of their rights and responsibilities. 

What are the Code of Student Conduct, and the Code of Academic Integrity?
GW community members are encouraged to seek out lost and found items at what campus building. 

What is the Support Building?


The Smithsonian Institution has this many free museums in DC for anyone to enjoy. 

What is 19?


This current residence hall combined three separate residences and was previously affectionately known as "The Super Dorm."

What is District House?


This studio has the tools & exprtise to expand the GW community's ability to create high-quality videos, podcasts, interactive experiences, and data visualizatio 

What is CREATE Digital Studio?


You can find a list of emergency resources available on campus on this common item. 

What is a GWorld card?


This team provides students space and resources to explore their various identities as well as celebratory events. 

What is the Multicultural Student Services Center (MSSC)? 


This office supports student academic progress by offering special programs and support services like Success Coaching to ensure that students thrive in the classroom. 

What is the Office for Student Success?


This President is the only President to be buried in Washington DC. 

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


These four entitities make up the GW Spirit Program. 

What is Colonial Brass, George's Army, GW Cheer, and the First Ladies Dance Team?
