Even More Logic
Admin Pages

DateDiffDays(LastPatientAnswerDate("Privacy.AcceptsPolicy11", "Practice", "Initial, Returning"), GetDate()) >730

What is trigger a question if last patient answer to policy 11 was 2 years ago or longer?


This logic string prompts a question if the patient Accepted a policy

Hint: Policy ID - Privacy.AcceptsPolicy

PatientAnswer("Privacy.AcceptsPolicy") == "Accepted"


This is where you can view if the practice has verified the MID(s)

What is Payment Services > Processor Config?


What is Dashboard > Reports & Settings > Locations


PM system with automatic file uploads for Payment Assurance 

What is Intergy?


These are the dates that must be updated through the implementation on the project level

What are Forecasted Kick-Off, Kick-Off, Forecasted Go-Live, Go-Live, Forecasted Self-Service Go-Live, Actual Self-Service Go-Live, Transferred to Client Success?


PatientAnswer("InsuranceProv") == "Medicare" || (PatientAnswer("InsuranceProv") == "Railroad Medicare" && PatientAge() > 10) 

What is triggering a question / question set if patient has Medicare Insurance OR patient is over 10 years of age with Railroad Medicare?


This logic string prompts a question if the patient is between the age of 12 and 18 months

DateDiffDays(LastPatientAnswer("Required.DateOfBirth"), GetDate()) > 365 && DateDiffDays(LastPatientAnswer("Required.DateOfBirth"), GetDate()) < 540


Intake Config > Communication Settings > 2nd Follow-Up Message

What is enabling a 3rd Pre-Visit send the same day as the Patient's appointment?


The two types of Health Campaigns we can create. One has restrictions on text messaging. 

What is "Patient Care" and "Marketing"?


This is a Salesforce case you submit when you want to verify if you can build out a certain screener

What is a Clinical Assessment case?


(IntakeType() != "PreVisit" && DateDiffDays(LastPatientAnswerDate("RoS.ConstitutionalSymptoms"), GetDate()) > 330) || (IntakeType() == "PreVisit"

What is triggering the review of systems if a patient is completing any interview but Pre-Visit and it has been over 330 days OR patient is completing Pre-Visit?


This logic string forces the question to fill the entire row when a Patient is completing their workflow on a Desktop

What is PatientAge() < 500


This is what you select under "Approved Practice" while creating a new Admin Page and the practice does not yet have an approved merchant app

What is Unreserved Practice?


Minimum NPS score to trigger Google / Yelp / Facebook reviews for Patient Surveys 

What is 6?


This must be added after submitting an Inventory Case

What are Ascent Items?


PatientAnswer("Pediatrics.PersonwithPatientRelation") == "Patient" && ((EnBData("Appointment.Type") == "1014" || EnBData("Appointment.Type") == "1012")) && (PatientAnswer("Checkin.Physician") == "Jennifer Gaughan, C-PNP" || PatientAnswer("Checkin.Physician") == "Mary Enzman Hines, PhD" || PatientAnswer("Checkin.Physician") == "Kelly Reagan C-PNP") && PatientAge() >= 12 && DateDiffDays(LastPatientAnswerDate("DAST20Ado.Quesitonnaire"), GetDate()) >=  365

What is triggering a question if the person filling out the interview is the patient themselves AND, appointment type is 1014 OR 1012, AND Patient is seeing one of the following physicians: 

Jennifer Gaughan, C-PNP

Mary Enzman Hines, PhD

Kelly Reagan C-PNP

AND Patient is older than 12 

AND Last patient answer to the DAST-20 was over a year ago?


This logic string prompts the patient to fill out their Other Past Medical Conditions if they select "Other / Not Listed" in the integrated Past Medical History question (GenHealth.Conditions)

Contains(PatientAnswer("GenHealth.Conditions"), "Other / Not Listed")


Marking Dr. Smith as "1" and Lab as "2" in General Settings > Providers

What is ranking your providers to configure the Main Appointment as the highest priority provider?


# of days to go back for import = 40

What is Payment Assurance pulling a file of patient's on the schedule 40 days ago, for balance checking and payment assurance send out?


This is a Salesforce case you submit for Spanish translations

What is a Client Success case?


Post Instruction Logic:

PatientAnswer("Privacy.AcceptsPolicy1") == "Accepted"

SaveAnswer Comm.WellOne with name "CommonWell Consent Accepted" and text "True"

Review Triangle ID: Comm.WellOne

What is triggering an review triangle based on an ID (Comm.WellOne) with text of "True" if a patient accepts policy 1?


This logic string prompts off of a RadioTable question if the Patient selects that they have Never had a Pap Smear

Hint: Question ID - Past.Tests

PatientAnswer("Past.Tests", "PapSmear") = "Never"


3 PROs that you have to choose a specific Theme for when building their Printdoc (i.e. not Standard-XL)

What are (at least 3 of the following) the PHQ-2/9, ASQ, PROMIS, RAPID-3, MDHAQ, and/or SWYC?


Process to add a health campaign once the template is created. 

What is Patient Outreach Manager --> Add Program --> Fill out Details --> Make program "Active) --> Eye Icon --> Upload Patient List or Add Patient --> Pending Column and "Send"?

Opportunity Stage when you are ready to implement the add-on and manually trigger the project

What is Stage 4 - Sales Rep Educate Decision Maker?
