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To serve our youth and their families and guide them to ‘Living the Right Way’ by integrating the wisdom of our traditional knowledge keepers, providing a program from stabilization through reintegration into the community, and, addressing the individual needs of our participants.

What is the Gwekwaadziwin Mission Statement 



•Emotional Growth

•Self-Management Skills

•Social Skills

What are Land Based Treatment Goals?


•Wholistic Wellness

•Land Based

•Community Approach

•Seven Grandfathers

•Medicine Wheel

•Stages of Life

•Traditional Medicines

What is the Traditional Model?


Recognizes barriers of maturation for individuals.

what is Maturity Model?


•Waabanong – East

•Shawanong – South

•Epingiishmok – West

•Kiiwednong - North

What are the Four Directions?


Healthy and prosperous Anishinabe communities with youth oriented to ‘Living the Right Way’ by sharing knowledge and best practices so that Indigenous communities can become healthy and prosperous.

What is the Gwekwaadziwin Vision Statement 


•Stable living environment

•Life skills development

•Supported community reintegration

•Continued therapeutic support

What are Live In Aftercare goals?


•Treating the symptom

•Western/Medical Base

•Focus on the individual

•Code of Ethics

•Regulatory Agencies


What is the Western Model of Care?


•Zaagidiwin – Love

•Minaadendamowin – Respect

•Aakode’ewin – Bravery

•Gwekwaadziwin – Honesty

•Nibwaakawin – Wisdom

•Dabaadendiziwin – Humility

•Debwewin - Truth

What are the Seven Grandfather Teachings?


A treatment program that incorporates outdoor experiential learning and is conducted completely in the wilderness. This program will focus on weaving therapeutic techniques with Anishinabek Culture.

What is the Land Based Treatment Program?


our planned 13 - 19 year old program that we continue to advocate for.

What is the Four Directions Program?


•Community Reintegration

•Secure local supports

•Continued Wellness

•Economic Prosperity

What are Community Aftercare goals?


“To see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous ways of knowing, and to see from the other eye with the strengths of Western ways of knowing, and to use both of these eye’s together.”

What is Two eyed seeing Approach?


•The Good Life (0-7)

•The Fast Life (7-14)

•The Wandering Life (14-21)

•The Truth Stage (21-28)

•The Planning Stage (28-35)

•The Doing Stage (35-42)

•The Elder Stage

What are the Stages of Life Teaching?


practice that has healing the whole person as its goal." This model treats each patient as an individual participating in her own care and takes her preferences and beliefs into account instead of simply focusing on her physical ailments.

What is a Wholistic Model Of Care?


A combined contribution from the Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. 

Who are Gwekwaadziwins funders? 


Management Team


Support Workers

Administrative Staff

What is the Gwekwaadziwin Clinical Team?


What is Gunnel Walking


one of the Seven Grandfather Teachings, a set of Anishinabek teachings on human conduct towards others. When translated into English, it is referred to as “Honesty,” but in the Ojibwe language it means more than Honesty it means “Living the Right Way.”

What is Gwekwaadziwin?


Aundeck Omni Kaning, M’Chigeeng First Nation, Sheguiandah First Nation, Sheshegwaning First Nation, Whitefish River First Nation, Zhiibaahaasing First Nation.

What are the UCCMM Communities?


a series of measures (screener, standardized biopsychosocial intake assessment battery, follow up assessment battery) designed to integrate research and clinical assessment.

What is the GAIN Screener 


•There are many philosophies and approaches but studies show increased efficacy when both areas are addressed simultaneously.

•Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the issues and an individual’s motivation and support network.

What is the way to treat Concurrent Disorders?


•is a term used to refer to co-occurring addiction and mental health problems.

•Can also be called dual disorders or co-occurring substance use and mental health problems

What are Concurrent Disorders?


Participants will live in a supervised 11 bed transition house located in A.O.K. First Nation. Participants will be encouraged to attend regular groups and one-on-one counselling.

What is the Gwekwaadziwin Live In Aftercare Program? 


A gradual transition to either independent living, or living with their family, and full reintegration into their community.

What is the Gwekwaadziwin Community Aftercare Program?
