Who Did God Call The Finest Man In All Of The Earth And Blameless
Who Was The First Women On Earth
What is the name of the city Jonah was running from?
What Prophet Got Thrown Off A Boat
Prophet Jonah
What is considered the first book of the law in the Bible?
How many stones did David take with him to fight Goliath?
5 Stones
What Women Was Childless And Prayed To God And Was answered
When Jonah got onto the ship, where did he go?
Lowest part of the ship
Who Was Known As The Weeping Prophet
What was the first letter Paul wrote?
I Thessalonians
After David was king, who was the next king?
King Solomon
Who Was The Jewish Women who Became Queen of Persia And Risked Her Life To Save The Jewish People
Jonah 1:17 God prepared a blank blank and was in the belly for blank days and blank nights
Great fish three days three nights
What Prophet Foretold The destruction of Jerusalem
What is Considered Church History
Acts of The Apostles
Who Walked With God
Who Was The Women To Stay With Her Mother-in-Law After Her Husband Died
In Jonah 4:6-11 Jonah Was At Peace With a blank for Shade Then wanted to Die When It was Gone
Who is considered the last prophet of the Old Testament?
What is the shortest book in the Bible?
Who wrestled an angel?
who was turned to a pillar of salt
Lots Wife
When Jonah ran away from the Lord, what port did he go to to leave to go to tarshish
Port Of Joppa
What Prophet Name In Hebrew Stands For Salvation of the Lord/ God Is Salvation
What is considered the longest book in the Bible by words?
Jeremiah Total Words 32,982