the decade that gyaru began
when is the 70's?
the decade sukeban began
when is the 70's - early 90's?
the main property of a sukeban uniform
what is a long skirt?
the main form of media that sukeban was distributed in
what are movies?
the river that runs through egypt
what is the nile?
free points I'm layz sorry
whats new cooby doo? we're coming after you. we're gonna SOLVEEEE that MYSTERYYYY
the BIG BIG BIGGGG event that happened before sukeban (eventually leading to its creation) this is easy man cmon
what is WORLD WAR 2!!!??
the main property of gyaru hair
what is dyed hair?
the main form of media gyaru was distributed in
what is magazines? OR books yknow yknow
the third planet from the sun
what is earth?
the first gyaru substyle
what is kogal???????????????????////
the conflict that led to sukeban beginning
all-male gangs not recruiting females
the shoes that sukeban usually wore
what are sneakers?
the magazine(s) that widely spread gyaru media
what is egg magazine? OR what is popteen magazine?
the 1st satellite launched during the cold war in 1957
what is sputnik?
TANAKA REINAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the number of member in the largest sukeban gang
what is 20,000???????????? or idk "how many is 20,000" bro idk
the weapon sukeban hid in their skirts or pockets
what are razors?
the popular (and actually well made) sukeban movie
what is sukeban deka?
the year that minecraft was released
when is 2011?
the model that inspired the creation of traditional gyaru
who is kaoru watanabe?
idk uhm free points if someone on ur team is a Mr. beast member
oh ggeer lots I just won in word hunt again let's go team!!1
the style of gyaru that was mostly inspired by lingerie......
what is ahejo?
an author that widely made gyaru manga!!!
who is yutsuko chuusanji?? :333
the first woman to win the nobel prize
who is marie cure?