You sit in this at a table or desk
You put this on a sandwich with peanut butter
jelly (or jam)
This sound happens in a storm with lightning
What you do with a book
This animal is green, has a shell, and swims in the ocean. What is it?
An animal on a farm that lays eggs
This is not quite a running but is faster than walking. What is it?
If you want water, you might be what?
The kind of weather where you need an umbrella
There a four of these on a car. Sometimes one might get flat
a tire
It is red and you can dip french fries in it
This is something you wear when it is cold outside
a jacket
You go to this place to watch movies and eat popcorn
a theater
When you have a lot of money you are what?
You take pictures with this object
a camera
A piece of furniture you sit on in your living room to watch tv
Something you tell to make people laugh
a joke
What you say when someone does something nice for you
thank you
A dried up grape is a what?
This is the building on a farm in which the animals may live in or hay may be stored
a barn
You might wear this on your wrist to check the time
When you throw three balls into the air in a circle you are what?
What you use to take your temperature
You listen to this to hear music or the news
This is an animal in the zoo that as a really long neck so it can reach the highest leaves on a tree to eat.
A giraffe